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SKY STREET – Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

Posted: 07 Jan 2012 06:10 AM PST

hk2 600x427 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, render courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

“Sky Stree” is the proposal by the Polish desingers Hugon Kowalski, Adam Wiercinski and Borys Wrzeszcz, designed for Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition which was held by AC_CA organization.

hk1 600x427 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, render courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

hk3 600x289 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, render courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

The main concept of this project was to create parking space as extension of the street. Typical city-street with traffic lane, parking spaces, sidewalk and tram was took out into space and shaped the building form. Another main issue supporting this idea was to enable collision-free circulation. For that purpose the structure of the building consist of two spirals. Indicated street forms external contour of the building – way-up spiral. Inside of this spiral, there is a mirrored way-down spiral.

hk4 600x526 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, render courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

hk5 600x427 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, render courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

Both of them connect once per half of the circle. Due to this solution, driver is able to drive in, park the car and later go down keeping the same direction all the time. On the top of this structure the way-up spiral smoothly merges way-down spiral. Building outline stands out of Victoria's Bay panorama. The object is not as high (100m) as surrounding skyscrapers but its shape makes it symbol of the area.

idea 600x524 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, drawing courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

Its spherical shape makes coherent construction, linked way-up and way-down spiral, both made of concrete, are supplementary consolidate with steel frame inside the object. Complete body creates exceptionally tough, egg-shaped construction. The second face of the object is its amazing interior. The huge vault can be adopted in various ways. In two locations of the building there are suspended platforms designed for multi-purpose area.

skyline 600x315 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, drawing courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

Illumination of the object depends on its users. During the night lights of cars and trams shine in the specular ceiling. Building glows as a lantern.

diagram1 600x377 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, drawing courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

diagram2 600x431 SKY STREET   Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition \ Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

SKY STREET - Hong Kong Alternative Car Park Tower competition, drawing courtesy Hugon Kowalski + Adam Wiercinski + Borys Wrzeszcz

House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

Posted: 07 Jan 2012 01:53 AM PST

Kokaistudios House Tree 01 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

House of the Tree, located at the 48th and 49th floor of a high-end residential tower in Shenzhen, China, is a penthouse designed by Kokaistudios with the concept of “living between the city and the nature” offers a modern lifestyle with luxury and relaxation.

Kokaistudios House Tree 02 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

Kokaistudios House Tree 04 600x400 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The elegant and exceptional entrance, punctuated by a tree incredibly planted at the 48th floor of a residential tower, allows a panorama view that enhances the relationship between the interior and exterior, and provides an opportunity to bring in a large quantity of daylight indoor. It is the result of a large-scale of architectural modification applied to the original layout of the penthouse, a join unit of two regular apartments and a typical situation in high-rise residential towers in current China market, does not allow any perception of two floor apartments.

Kokaistudios House Tree 03 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

Kokaistudios House Tree 05 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, drawing courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

By enclosing a small portion of outdoor terrace into a glass pavilion in the center of the penthouse, Kokaistudios create the new core of the apartment in an impressive double height atrium with the opportunity to bath by the natural light.

Kokaistudios House Tree House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

This new core space, with walls removed from original layout, increasing the kitchen and the dining area conceived as dynamic spaces. Surrounded by the amazing outdoor swimming pool, it is able to be divided by semi transparent glass partition to satisfy various scenarios.

Kokaistudios House Tree 06 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios

A transitional space distributes the functions between first and second floor and at the same time to prelude the entrance to the living room and to the guest bedroom located on the first floor to guarantee privacy from the family area located on the second level.

Kokaistudios House Tree 07 600x400 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The staircase has been designed with a great sculptural attitude with a deep study of details making it a prominent symbol of the space.

Kokaistudios House Tree 08 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The multi-function living room originally divided by a partition that does not allow for a connection between the north and the south view has been reconfigured by locating a fireplace in the middle of the space to create a dynamic layout for social flexibility.

Kokaistudios House Tree 13 600x256 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, drawing courtesy Kokaistudios

Kokaistudios House Tree 09 600x307 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, drawing courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The concept of fluid and dynamic spaces the mainstream of the entire project and has been applied in the second level in both master bedroom and study room separating a mood of tranquility and activities yet allowing continues journey between the spaces.

Kokaistudios House Tree 10 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

Thanks to the great opportunity created by the architectural approach to the design, a bridge connects the staircase to the family room, which is designed for relaxation and meditation, on the second level allowing the view of the entire apartment and the amazing perception of the double height space of the core of the penthouse.

Kokaistudios House Tree 11 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

Particular attention is given to the selection of materials, Kokaistudios choice being driven both by the desire to choose environmentally friendly materials and finishing techniques, as well as by the desire for a strong architectural aesthetic and feeling for the project.

Kokaistudios House Tree 12 600x401 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The penthouse personality is defined by the core materials and workmanship rather than by the finishing decorations. The texture and surface characteristics of the materials stimulate all the senses of the guests; oak timber floors from north east China treated with natural oils are combined with white cream Spanish stones finished with ancient hand hammered techniques and the walls are finished with luxurious Venetian "marmorino" plasters which are hard and glossy as is marble but able to transmit soft and warm mood by distributing the light as no other material is able to.

Kokaistudios House Tree 14 600x401 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

The soft furnishings are a combination of unique custom designed furniture pieces and award winning pieces from some of Italian finest contemporary furniture producers.

Kokaistudios House Tree 15 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

Kokaistudios custom design all of the rugs and have a deep study of the lighting possibilities that maximize the use of natural sunlight and create a flexible lighting system that transforms the space and the mood according the social or private functions.

Kokaistudios House Tree 16 House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree, image courtesy Kokaistudios | Photo by Charlie Xia

With its unique location at the boundary of the fast growing Central Business District in Shenzhen on the north and nature landscape of Hong Kong on the south, the result is a stunning penthouse occupying a privileged point of living between the nature and the city.

The end product stands as an example of Kokaistudios vision of luxury living with timeless-chic taste; defined by a connection to nature, a connection to fine materials and craftsmanship, while meeting the demands of a modern way of living.

Kokaistudios House Tree 48 floor House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree - Floor plan of 48 floor, drawing courtesy Kokaistudios

Kokaistudios House Tree 49 floor House of the Tree \ Kokaistudios

House of the Tree - Floor plan of 49 floor, drawing courtesy Kokaistudios

+ Project facts

Design: Kokaistudios
Architecture Modification: Filippo Gabbiani, Andrea Destefanis
Interior Design: Filippo Gabbiani, Andrea Destefanis, Sherry G, Zoe Lee
Client: China Resource Land (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
Location: Shenzhen, China
Area: 616 sqm
Completion: November, 2011
Photographer: Charlie Xia

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Posted: 06 Jan 2012 09:52 PM PST

10 design Aerial 02 600x407 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept, render courtesy 10 Design

The planning museum is envisioned to be a new civic sculpture for the city located at the heart of the main the governmental district. The sculptural nature of the building ties to the existing network of sculptural elements and parks placed throughout the city. The building becomes a technological bloom as the massing opens towards the main parks to the west.

10 design Night View 01 600x309 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept, render courtesy 10 Design

10 design Night View 04 600x350 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept, render courtesy 10 Design

The form of the building takes inspiration from the nautical influences and seeks to become a symbol of technological progress and green evolution. The building uses a photocatalytic nano-coating of Titanium Dioxide on the outer zinc rain screen to neutralize air pollution and remove dirt. The cleansing reaction is maintained 24 hours a day by using UV lights on the façade at night which are powered by PV cells. The lighting scheme will be symbolic of a blooming flower- the main golden glow facing west towards the government buildings and the CBD.

10 design Lobby 05 600x300 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept, render courtesy 10 Design

10 design Cafe 06 600x316 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept, render courtesy 10 Design

The inner aluminum façade layer uses a polymer coating that increases insulation values by 10-20 percent, and provides marine and fungal resistance. These nano-coatings are really nothing more than simple paints and will provide dramatic performance with minimal cost. The use of the self-cleaning nano-coating on the façade will keep the skin clean of all dirt and organic stains for years without any maintenance.

10 design blow up diagram 08 600x446 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept - Exploded axonometric, diagram courtesy 10 Design

The building also minimizes east west facades and pulls all entries away from the northern winds to maximize passive solar ideas. The government hopes the project will inspire green ideas and further sustainable design in the city.

10 design elevations 14 600x740 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept - Elevations, drawing courtesy 10 Design

+ Project facts

Architects: 10 Design | www.10design.co
Location: Dalian, China
Year: 2011
Design Team: Ted givens, Peby Pratama, Adrian Yau, Audrey Ma, Laura Rusconi Clerici, Shane Dale
Landscape Design: Ewa Koter
Client: Dalian Planning Bureau

+ All images and drawings courtesy 10 Design
10 design Night View 01 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design Day View 03 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design Night View 04 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design flow diagram 16 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design Aerial 02 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design Lobby 05 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design Cafe 06 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design MPL 18 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design elevations 14 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design plans 17 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design section 09 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design section persp 15 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design sketch 07 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design solar study 13 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design facade blow up 12 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design blow up diagram 08 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design 10 design skin and structure 10 180x180 Dalian Museum Competition Design Concept \ 10 Design

Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Posted: 06 Jan 2012 09:10 PM PST

The project consists of the renovation of a 130m2 apartment with a terrace, located in the heart of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter, in a catalogued building located behind the City Hall.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 03 600x400 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

The original space is composed of a sequence of bright and spacious rooms connected by large arched openings, with balconies along the façade and an inner courtyard. Original features are maintained such as traditional Catalan ceilings with wooden beams and vaulted arches, as well as exterior carpentry with wooden shutters.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 03 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 04 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 05 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

The project is based on a reinterpretation of the existing spatial structure of different rooms with differentiated uses and atmospheres, redefining the assigned uses and functions and creating new spatial and visual connections without allowing the traditional elements to predominate. The aim is to create a peaceful environment which allows its young owner privacy and a work place, while creating a social meeting place for meals and parties.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 07 600x900 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

We find two areas, one open and social and the other one private: the first is comprised of the sequence of entrance hall, kitchen and living room, while the second consists of the bedroom suite.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 09 600x900 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

The kitchen-dining room, a spacious and clean space, warm and elegant, recalls the old clubs and cafes. The ceiling and longitudinal wall, which begins in the entrance vestibule, are paneled with tinted pine wood slats, assembled by hand. The paneling integrates much of the kitchen furniture and auxiliary spaces, simplifying the geometry of the kitchen space.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 08 600x900 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

The low kitchen furniture is finished, along with the dining table, in bronze metal panel, with a large lid that allows the countertop to be covered. The hanging lamp with its metallic reflection, in gold leaf and Swarovski crystals, contrasts with the warm wood finish. At the back, a division of dark grey glass separates a small guest bedroom from the rest of the space.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 06 600x900 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

The living room is located in the center of the apartment and communicates the rooms with each other. Because of its size and position, it is conceived as a perfect white frame where the furniture, modular and free-standing, can be configured according to the occasion. To achieve this frame the existing walls are rectified, the arched openings are recovered matching the original symmetry, and all the wood carpentry is replaced without losing its original essence.

The master bedroom is simple and introverted, linked with the bathroom through a corridor. Since this is the only bathroom, the doors were re-defined so that the axis corridor-bath could be part of both the bedroom and the living room. The bedroom and corridor furniture are finished in white lacquer integrating the wardrobe and extra storage.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 600x900 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos

Image courtesy YLAB arquitectos | Photo by Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany

The bathroom is a place of relaxation, intimate and sensual, oriented towards the courtyard garden. The walls are paneled entirely in phenolic board with a high-gloss finish, concealing the storage and perimeter led lighting fixtures. All bathroom fittings are free standing and rounded to enhance the feeling of spaciousness. The shower area and the toilet are hidden behind a translucent glass.

The continuous concrete paving, the walls and new wooden carpentry, all in ivory white, are common elements all through the house, giving light and serving as a common thread throughout the different spaces.

GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 10 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 01 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos GOTICO APARTMENT Ylab 02 180x180 Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona \ YLAB arquitectos
+ Project facts

Apartment in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona
Architecture and interior design: YLAB Arquitectos | www.ylab.es
Authors: Tobias Laarmann and Yolanda Yuste López
Project: Interior | Interior housing refurbishment
Area: 130 m2 interior + 20 m2 terrace
Completion date: 07/2010
Location: Gothic Quarter. Barcelona
Budget: Medium
Photos: Jordi Canosa & Daniela Cavestany | www.jordicanosa.com

+ About YLAB arquitectos

YLAB Arquitectos is a Spanish-German architectural design firm formed by Tobias Laarmann and Yolanda Yuste.

From their studio in Barcelona, YLAB works on the design, management and construction of architecture and interior design projects. YLAB is specialized in residential, commercial and corporate design.

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