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Capital Group Offices | Massimo Iosa Ghini

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 09:38 AM PDT

Italian studio Iosa Ghini Associates has completed the renovation and interior design directional offices and sales department of the property company Capital Group of Moscow. Located in downtown Moscow, Capital Group is a property development company with 17 years of experience.

For the building of the new offices, the Architect Massimo Iosa Ghini has entirely designed the working areas contributing to the implementation of an elegant and luxury complex.

Capital Group Offices Massimo Iosa Ghini plusMOOD 1 595x412 Capital Group Offices | Massimo Iosa Ghini

Capital Group Offices, image courtesy Massimo Iosa Ghini

This project involved the renovation of two floors of Capital Group, respectively the 16th and 17th, that develop for an area of 1400 square meters and represent the most valuable property Company’s plans.

One of the main issues from which the project took its shape was the need to diversify each environment in relation to the function that it would host. It has been tried, therefore, to finalize the selection of individual parts to create unique environments and purely diversified, by maintaining a homogeneous conceptual line.

Capital Group Offices Massimo Iosa Ghini plusMOOD 9 595x363 Capital Group Offices | Massimo Iosa Ghini

Capital Group Offices, image courtesy Massimo Iosa Ghini

Therefore, the research of materials, the study of floors and ceilings, the choice of furniture contributed to characterize and personalize the different spaces.

To date, the 16th floor is divided into two areas: Business and Premium, respectively, representing the two divisions of the property company Capital Group. The two areas differ in color and materials, but the design coherence is maintained through soft, sinuous lines that characterize also the other environments.

Capital Group Offices Massimo Iosa Ghini plusMOOD 3 595x363 Capital Group Offices | Massimo Iosa Ghini

Capital Group Offices, image courtesy Massimo Iosa Ghini

Capital Group Offices Massimo Iosa Ghini plusMOOD 6 595x423 Capital Group Offices | Massimo Iosa Ghini

Capital Group Offices, image courtesy Massimo Iosa Ghini

The wealth of materials and quality of finishes reveal its highest expression on the 17th floor where the offices together with some meeting rooms are made for the members of Capital Group. In this case the various rooms were embellished with a tiny space and furnishings design that make the workplace more warm and welcoming and enriched by an important works of art collection of the society.

+ Project credits / data

Project: Capital Group Offices
Location: Moscow, Russia
Design: Iosa Ghini Associates
Client: Capital Group

+ All images and description courtesy Iosa Ghini Associates
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Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 08:39 AM PDT

The Doublesingle Storey House by Poland-based architectural firm formodesign is located in Grabowa in a beautiful area on the slope above the stream. The goal was to design a building that meets the expectations of clients while preserving the unique naturalness of the surrounding.

The idea of creating the doublesingle storey layout came of our willing to enable the residents freely enter and exit the building no matter where they are. It was also a very natural way of slope dedicated floor plan development.

Doublesingle Storey House formodesign plusMOOD 1 595x236 Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House, image courtesy formodesign

Shape and form of the house follow the sun path and site's panorama in order to deliver clear interior view openings on the forest, meadow and the stream.  formodesign proposed aged and fawn wooden planks for the façades – the most often seen type of façade in rural architecture typical for this region.

Doublesingle Storey House formodesign plusMOOD 4 595x236 Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House, image courtesy formodesign

These would be obtained from disassembled local sheds. The simplicity of form resulting from smooth slope-house-slope transition, use of the raw building envelope and minimized environment interference are the major features of the Doublesingle Storey House.

Doublesingle Storey House formodesign plusMOOD L1 Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House - L1 FLOOR PLAN, drawing courtesy formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House formodesign plusMOOD L2 Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House - L2 FLOOR PLAN, drawing courtesy formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House formodesign plusMOOD SECTION 595x124 Doublesingle Storey House | formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House - SECTION, drawing courtesy formodesign

+ Project credits / data

Architect: formodesign / Lukasz Skirzynski, Jedrzej Lewandowski, Aga & Waldek
Link: www.formodesign.pl, www.architect.com.pl
Project: Doublesingle Storey House
Location: Poland, Grabowa / 3 ha
Area: 307,8 m2
Status: in progress / 2010-2011
1:50 model: internship students / Karolina Wlodarczyk & Agnieszka Herman

+ All images, drawings and description courtesy of formodesign
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