Decorating in White: Gorgeous White Interior Design Inspiration: Interior Design Ideas

Decorating in White: Gorgeous White Interior Design Inspiration: Interior Design Ideas

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Decorating in White: Gorgeous White Interior Design Inspiration

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 01:16 PM PDT

We’re all familiar with the old adages “less is more” and “a cluttered home is a cluttered mind.” No one in their right mind desires to live in a claustrobic space- like apartments aren’t small enough as it is!? And while most of us will agree with these wisdoms, space does become a challenge when consumerism is killing us softly. Luckily for you, there are a few clever tricks you can use to evoke a spacious oasis.

One of the best ways to get on the clutter free track is to visually create this illusion of more room, height and light with a monochromatic color scheme. And what better color to use than the timeless and opulent white. In fact, we wouldn’t recommend any other color than white to go monochromatic with unless you were decorating on the set of Willy Wonka (III.) Then, you can bring in your personal style or theme and introduce tons of texture with accessories. If you are looking for inspiration to design your room interiors in white, this post is for YOU. These gorgeous pictures of white rooms found on Flickr have character and speak volumes of space with a relaxed beach inspired mood. Now, allow us to shut it so you can check them out!

white bedroom design

Need more inspiration for other colors and styles? Be sure to check here: Designs By Style

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