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Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 12:28 AM PDT

TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 2 600x611 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Enrique Abascal

Nerva, north of the province of Huelva, in the Tinto River basin, was born to host the mining. The construction of a building of its type (theater/cinema) is the most important event for the whole city. What is even more in the case of Nerva, with a long tradition in using this kind of cultural space, becoming to leading collective activities. The transformation of an area of the city abandoned promoted by the construction of a public building, carries with it the spatial and social transformation of the city and relationships.

TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 7 600x396 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The building is thought from a design capable of providing a maximum level of use: combining various activities and makes them compatible, collect and separate the various uses, offering a multidisciplinary container.

TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 4 600x400 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The building is organized from the ground floor basically on two levels. Ground floor with entrances (Main Park), hall and support spaces (dressing rooms, technical area (pit stage and orchestra pit); first floor, lobby, main hall, stage, rehearsal room and an extension (second floor) where you can access the amphitheater of the room. Spaces are placed up technical and audio-video booth, lighting galleries and service spaces and facilities comb. They have three bays, one central and two smaller side absorbing longitudinal movements, and a lower height bay on the west side townhouse, which is the gallery of the park and the relationship with him. The tense final volume arises from the interpretation and management of the proposed program, accusing the various heights of the spaces, withdrawal on the ground floor of the proposed porch and no longitudinal symmetry denotes the position of the gallery, orienting the building.

TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 11 600x656 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

+ Project facts

Reina Victoria Theatre-Cinema

Reina Victoria square. Nerva (Huelva)

Enrique Abascal Arquitectos | http://www.enriqueabascal.com/

Enrique Abascal García (3/10/1953)

Office: Néstor González, Óscar Navarro, Fernando Infante, Manuel Falcón
Instalations: Antonio Lastres García-Testón, Samuel Domínguez Amarillo
Acoustic: Juan José Sendras-IUCC Seville
Estructures: FHECOR ingenieros-Javier León

Antonio Lastres García-Testón

Dirección General de Arquitectura. Consejería de Obras públicas y Vivienda. Consejería de Cultura. Junta de Andalucía


Basic project: DECEMBER 1997
Execution project: OCTOBER 1998
End of work: 6 FEBRERO 2010


850,78 euros

3588,35 m2

+ All images and drawings courtesy Enrique Abascal Arquitectos
TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 1 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 2 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 4 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 5 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 6 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 7 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 9 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 10 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 11 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 12 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 13 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 14 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 15 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 16 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 17 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 19a 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 19b 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 20 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 21 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 0 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García TEATRO NERVA ENRIQUEABASCAL 3 180x180 Nerva Theatre \ Enrique Abascal García

108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto \ Enrique Abascal García

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 12:02 AM PDT

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 2 600x400 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The proposal starts with some conditions, housing: social, planning regulations: with quantitative and volumetric rules of a place: an area of expansion based on a pure model of growth without a special intention in forming a kind of city, and tight economic conditions.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 1 principal 600x1178 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The proposal starts with some conditions, housing: social, planning regulations. Some quantitative and volumetric rules of a place: an area of expansion based on a pure model of growth without a special intention in forming a kind of city, and tight economic conditions.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 7 600x706 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The interpretation thought the project with the available resources; on one hand the positive investigation that involves the construction of a collective building, and on the other hand the raw aspect of the lack of support makes an urban condition clear and organized, configures the work tools.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 5 600x406 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

A new typological condition (to outstrip built options of nuclear aggrupation typology) arrives us to a system of interrelation of spaces, developing a plot where organize the dwellings. Three cores and galleries distribute from liberate spaces for the collective life or unless to endow spatial sense to an interior space.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 4 600x401 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Enrique Abascal

The ground floor, is a free plan with patios porches, and others (access to garage, storage, mailboxes, groups), there, it is distributed three staircases that are integrated as a whole, in an atmosphere of subdued light and concentrated with a controlled lattice that permit to flow the air. This atmosphere is extended at various levels of access through openings between floors and out, places of walking and meeting with controlled lighting and natural ventilation. Communal spaces are available at various levels of the terraces.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 9 600x249 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

The dwelling explores flexibility conditions; the typology organizes the technical support, bathrooms and kitchen near the dividing wall, allowing providing a big space, parallel to the façade and free of obstacles. From a normative program, we propose to resolve new distributions suitable to adapt new programs or ways of life. Installations and technical support is reachable from circulations paths and collective zones, allowing reparations and installation of new facilities without change the unit.

F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 22 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Courtesy Clemente Delgado

Construction is applied to recognize the necessary attribute of this kind of buildings, where concepts like durability, solidity and economy. It uses a color coating like an instrument of identity, and some traditional resources like celosias: it configures the use of light and shadow, the breeze control, recovering traditional energetic concepts, with passive control and active modern mechanisms.

Garage, storage rooms and, support completes and runs the complex. The final volume tries diverse scales, supporting in the internal organization and the material and textures layout.

+ Project facts

108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto.

Profesor Faustino Gutierrez Alviz y Amario Street. Seville (Spain)

Enrique Abascal Arquitectos | http://www.enriqueabascal.com/

Enrique Abascal García (3/10/1953)
Miguel Díaz Zulategui (19/9/1954)

Néstor González, Óscar Navarro, Francisco Gómez, Antonio Lastres, Antonio Gancedo, Antonio De La Concha, Gerardo Sandar, Vorsevi, Cemosa.

Pilar López Galán
Maite Conejero
Esther Expósito


CEOP/San José

Basic project: JULY 2006
Executive project: JANUARY 2007
End of construction: 27 JULY 2010


522.72 euros

13.910 m2

+ All images and drawings courtesy Enrique Abascal Arquitectos
Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing10 Seccion 3 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing09 Seccion 2 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing08 Seccion 1 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing07 Planta segunda tercerda 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing06 Planta cuarta sexta 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing05 Planta baja 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing04 Alzado interior2 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing03 Alzado este 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing02 Alzado sur 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing01 Alzado norte 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García Enrique Abascal Arquitectos P Aeropuerto Housing 00 axonometria1 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 24 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 23 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 22 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 21 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 20 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 19 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 18 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 17 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 16 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 15 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 14 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 13 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 12 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 11 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 10 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 9 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 8 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 7 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 4 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 6 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 5 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 3 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 2 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García F VIVS POL AEROP ENRIQUEABASCAL 1 principal 180x180 108 dwellings in Polígono Aeropuerto  \ Enrique Abascal García

Ono-Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 10:43 PM PDT

Complex City pers 1b copie 600x300 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Ono-Logis Concept Store, image courtesy Complex City

Binds to the wine concept store The design of a concept store in a commercial is not obvious, located in an urban environment very cubic, it is often the result of a set of front linked to his content.

It should then treat the subject by crossing name: programmatic and symbolic urban Three basic concepts structure the project: the vertical, the visual and the sensitivity.

Complex City conceptstore design 600x300 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Ono-Logis Concept Store, image courtesy Complex City

Complex City 03b o copie 600x300 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Ono-Logis Concept Store, image courtesy Complex City


Treatment of “dress”

The image of the vine and its linearity are the starting point of the concept of verticality that is reflected in the facade.

The curve would be the expression of a sensitivity related to a sensory awareness that takes place during the taste of wine.

The gradient color is characteristic of white wine, rosé and red in the sense of knowledge as accurate as imaginary and symbolic, aesthetic, but, subjective, but the image of wine revealing himself to "V[B]oire" in a journey towards a personal world.

Complex City conceptstore bois 600x360 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Ono-Logis Concept Store, image courtesy Complex City

Treatment of “body”

Treated with everyday life's themes with wood and white background, marking the vertical and horizontal view.

In this structured game make with case came punctuate the space with the likings of flavors to enjoy, discover, use the following topics: lunch, appetizers dinner, dessert, etc. etc., recreating a colorful variety to an invitation of dreams, travels.

Open view into the fabric of memory, promise's dreams at the corner of a table.

+ Project facts

Designer /Architect: Olivier Brouillard “Firm: COMPLEX CITY
Status of project: Competition
Year: 2012
Floor area: sq metres-2897 m²
Number of floors: 2
Firm website: www.complexcity.fr
Photo credit: Complex City

+ All images and drawings courtesy Complex City
Complex City pers 1b copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City conceptstore design 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 03b o copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City centre commercial vin 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City conceptstore oenologie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City conceptstore bois 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 020page concepte volume 15 copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 020page concepte volume 14 copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 020page concepte volume 13 copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 020page concepte volume 12 copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City Complex City 020page concepte volume 11 copie 180x180 Ono Logis Concept Store \ Complex City

Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Margot Krasojevic has recently designed the Buenos Aries Art Museum. The art museum design attempts to choreograph images and views into the city in an attempt to highlight the ever expanding definition of what is considered real, the design dilutes the edges between the viewer and the virtual.

Aries Art FINALFINALFINAL2 copy 600x445 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic

Buenos Aries Art Museum, courtesy Margot Krasojevic

A single shell laser cut aluminium semi-monocoque structure prefabricated off site in a nearby boat builders yard. Sole support for the observatory museum is from the circulatory ramp shaft off which the structure is cantilevered and tied to the dock.

3 Meter aluminium sections welded together, sanded and spray painted white. The waterproof aluminium shell and structural cladding elements are all made from aluminium.

Aries Art FINAL PERSPECTIVE 13 copy 600x450 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic

Buenos Aries Art Museum, courtesy Margot Krasojevic

The window wall openings slide back into the shell allowing for open views into and through the museum, very much like an observatory. The windows walls are made from toughened laminated glass inclined by 25 degrees so as not to reflect sunlight and glare.

Aries Art observatory island plan 1 copy 600x278 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic

Buenos Aries Art Museum, courtesy Margot Krasojevic

The structure uses the same technology as boat manufacturers, the interior is free of columns providing undisturbed/unobstructed views.

Aries Art Final perpsective 1 copy 600x449 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic

Buenos Aries Art Museum, courtesy Margot Krasojevic

The angle of the outer shell eliminates glare from the water surface. The large glass wall windows choreograph attention from exhibits to city views, creating a collaged effect of the building within it’s context. A superimposed perception of context and design. A structural system is used which suits the design and it’s location, a maritime feel to the identity. The ramps into and through the building act as docks and piers tying the observatory to it’s immediate context.

The ramps are part of the structural stalk.

+ All images courtesy Margot Krasojevic
Aries Art FINALFINALFINAL2 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art Render 1 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art observatory island plan 1 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art Render 3 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art FINAL PLAN 3 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art FINAL PERSPECTIVE 13 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art FINAL PERSPECTIVE 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art Final perpsective 1 copy 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic Aries Art Choreographed context 180x180 Buenos Aries Art Museum \ Margot Krasojevic


Posted: 27 Jul 2012 09:34 PM PDT

OODA recently has completed 227 FLAT in Porto, Portugal.

In a place nearby the sea in Porto, we had the chance to design a complete transformation of a two story apartment. It was our intention to play with the light that strongly flows into the apartment merging it with new program needs. The relation between voids, volumes and the function among then was the prime project drive aiming to create fine detailing while suggesting new surprising spaces and features to be used and lived in a daily basis.

227 FLAT OODA 7 600x390 227 FLAT \ OODA

227 FLAT, image courtesy OODA

227 FLAT OODA 1 600x902 227 FLAT \ OODA

227 FLAT, image courtesy OODA

227 FLAT OODA 4 600x903 227 FLAT \ OODA

227 FLAT, image courtesy OODA

+ Project facts

227 FLAT
Porto 2012

Architect: OODA
Team: Diogo Brito, Rodrigo Vilas-Boas, Francisco Lencastre

+ All images courtesy OODA
227 FLAT OODA 7 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 2 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 1 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 3 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 4 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 5 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 6 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA 227 FLAT OODA 8 180x180 227 FLAT \ OODA

Pajol Sports Centre \ Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Posted: 27 Jul 2012 08:56 PM PDT

Brisac Gonzalez Architects has recently completed the Pajol Sports Centre in Paris, France. The Pajol sports centre will formally open its doors at the beginning of the school year in September.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 600x272 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, image courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Arranged over three levels, the building comprises two opaque volumes at lower ground and upper level that sandwich a porous mid level space that serves as entry.

The lower ground level accommodates the martial arts and dance studio. The 47 by 24 metre sports hall is located on the upper level inorder to take advantage of even natural daylighting via a series of north facing sculpted roof lights. At entry level, there is an expansive terrace along the whole length of the eastern facade that faces railyards.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 2 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, image courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects

With the use of natural daylight, natural ventilation and photovoltaic panels the centre requires minimum energy use and incorporates many renewable materials.

It will set the benchmark for a new environmental certification for sports centres in France.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 1 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre - Zoning diagram, drawing courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects


The new built sports centre forms part of the ZAC Pajol Masterplan in the 18th Arrondissment of Paris. When complete in 2012, it will be the first fully sustainable development in Paris. The brownfield site, consists of new and refurbished buildings.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 19 600x272 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, image courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects

A 1920's customs depot will be converted into a youth hostel, concert venue, and covered garden. Two disused postal sorting buildings from the same period have already been converted into a secondary school for 600 students and a college. Along with the sport centre, a free standing 5000m2 enterprise zone is the other new building. The project will have over 9000m2 of open spaces. The masterplan site is flanked on three sides by an incongruous mixture of factories, workshops, and Haussmannian housing buildings. To the east, it borders vast open rail yards that feed Gare de Est.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 18 600x272 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, image courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects

As the architects of the sports centre, the project has presents the opportunity contribute to the essential amenities of urban life through the open nature of the ground condition and by creating interstitial spaces that are somewhere between the private and public.

This is a bold and commendable project by the city of Paris. The project is totally funded by the state in an area well off the beaten architectural path of the capitol.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 22 600x271 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, image courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects


The 18th Arrondissement officially came into existence on 1 January 1860. It is one of the largest Arrondisments in the French capital comprising 600 hectares. The 18th is mostly known for hosting the district of Montmartre, which contains a hill dominated by the Sacré Coeur basilica, as well as the famous Moulin Rouge. It consists of 8 neighbourhoods including: Grandes Carrières", "Clignancourt", the African and North African La Goutte d'Or is famous for its market, the marché Barbès, and La Chapelle, were Pajol is located. The immediate area of the project is also known as 'Little Jaffna' a distric in Sri Lanka.

Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 3 600x504 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Pajol Sports Centre, drawing courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects

In 2011 there were 197 173 habitants or 32 807 habitants per Km2 it is the third most populated quartier in Paris behind the 15th & the 20th 54 % of people under 18 are of foreign origin of these, 37% are from subsahra, Turkey, or North African.

Up to now the Pajol area has resisted boboïsation – rabid gentrification – that's happened in other parts of the 18th but it is nonetheless attracting attention. Elaine Sciolino writing for the New York Times finds:

The neighbourhood is rough-edged, working class and very authentic. If you come, check your map and plot a walking route in advance. When you emerge from the Chapelle Metro, you don't want to look like you're lost. Or like a tourist. The area is more adventurous than dangerous, but still it's not Saint-Germain-des-Pres. You will, however, always find someone who speaks more English than French.

+ Project facts

Project: Pajol Sports Centre
Architect: Brisac Gonzalez Architects | http://www.brisacgonzalez.com/
Client: City of Paris
Summary: Sports Centre comprising martial arts studios, fitness facilities and a youth centre
Project value: £ 6 500 000
Date: Completion 2011
Area: 4,060 sqm

+ All images and drawings courtesy Brisac Gonzalez Architects
Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 18 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 19 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 20 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 21 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 22 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 23 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 24 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 25 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 26 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 27 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 2 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 16 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 14 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 17 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 3 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 13 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 12 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects Pajol Sports centre Brisac Gonzalez 1 180x180 Pajol Sports Centre \  Brisac Gonzalez Architects
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