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Kulturbau ‘Forum Confluentes’ \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 09:30 AM PDT

Benthem Crouwel Architects has completed the Kulturbau ‘Forum Confluentes’ in Koblenz, Germany. The project consists of the Mall Forum Mittelrhein and the Koblenz. The Forum Mittelrhein is a shopping mall and the Kulturbau houses the public library, the Mittelrhein Museum and the tourist information of Koblenz.

Jens Kirchner 056v jk011012 600x400 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Jens Kirchner

Jens Kirchner 054 jk011012 600x400 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Jens Kirchner

Jens Kirchner 037 jk011012 600x400 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Jens Kirchner

Thomas Eicken IMG 0054 600x800 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Thomas Eicken

Thomas Eicken IMG 0082 EBV 600x400 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Thomas Eicken

Thomas Eicken IMG 7637 600x900 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

courtesy Thomas Eicken

+ Architect’s statement from Benthem Crouwel Architects

The project started as a won competition for the redevelopment of the “Zentralplatz”. The program included approximately 20.000 m² of retail space, urban functions and a 6.000 m² square.

Urban design concept

The complete program is split into two volumes, separated by the Zentralplatz. This separation of functions allows for two autonomous and highly functional buildings, which can develop long-term and independently. Because of the precise positioning of the buildings and their outline, the pedestrian flows are organized in an effective and logical way.


The Kulturbau houses the public library, the Mittelrhein Museum and the tourist information of Koblenz, with their 'Zentrum der Rheinromantik'. The combination of these different cultural institutions offers the chance to exploit the synergies between the various institutions. The cultural building stands solitary in the new central square and is a landmark due to this solitary character, its facade design and the conscious elevation in the city. The building has splendid accessibility for visitors; the central lobby has entrances from all sides and is therefore a natural part of the urban fabric.

On the open square, the three functions each have their own entrance. Via prominent access elements like the spiral staircases (museum and tourist information) and the escalator (library), the institutions can be reached. Above the common ground floor area, the different functions overlap each other per floor.

The permanent exhibition of the Mittelrhein Museum occupies the first floor. The library is located on floor two, four and five, with direct access to the roof terrace. The 30 meters high open space inside connects the institutions vertically, brings day light deep into the building and offers a variety of outlooks.

The volume has a double facade with a Structural-Glazing construction of white silk-screened glass, which envelops the building like a second skin and offers a frosted and refined appearance. The motif of the print provides a filtered view from inside to outside, and allows a vaguely transparent view when looking from the outside in. At the different entrances, the outer facade has a  spacious cut and therefore offers a direct view of the lobby and entrance areas.

Forum Mittelrhein

The mall Forum Mittelrhein presents itself as a flat, horizontally layered structure. Due to this powerful format, the building's volume is reduced efficiently and a pleasant sense of scale is established. On relevant junctions within the urban fabric, the mall offers spacious entrances. The shopping center is characterized by its trapezoidal layout and smooth outlines. The areas intertwined with escalators offer orientation points, divide the building and provide the interior with natural light. Above the stores are adjoining rooms and a parking lot for about 740 cars. The parking spaces are organized around a central landscaped courtyard.

Together, the glass facade on the ground and first floor with standing formats, and the expressively shaped click frames, give a strong vertical orientation. The top three floors of the building are dominated by an artificial "Weinlaub facade" (wine leaf facade).  The basis of the structure is an abstract image of a vine leaf, which is interpreted freely as a 3D-shape. The entire facade is  composed out of only one type of element, that is produced in an industrial thermoforming process.

+ Project facts

Forum Mittelrhein Koblenz GmbH & Co.KG
ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co.KG
Benthem Crouwel Aachen / Amsterdam
2007 – 2013

Competition: 2007
Start construction: 2010
Completion mall: September 2012
Completion Kulturbau: June 2013
Commercial / Public building/ Culture
Gross floor area
Mall: 42.500 m²
Parking: 25.000 m ²
Kulturbau: 18.600 m²
Zentralplatz 2, Koblenz, Deutschland
Project team
Markus Sporer, Marcel Blom, Anna Gerlach, Noortje ter Heege, Tina Kortmann, Sascha Rullkötter,
Cornelius Wens, Sander Vijgen, Benedikt Krienen, Anna Böll, Frank Deltrap
Züblin GmbH
Structural engineer
IDN Ingenieure, Duisburg
Mechanical services
Technic Air, Hamburg
Fire safety
HHP West, Bielefeld

+ All images and drawings courtesy Benthem Crouwel Architects \ photo by Thomas Eicken & Jens Kirchner
Jens Kirchner 037 jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Jens Kirchner 054 jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Jens Kirchner 056v jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Jens Kirchner 072 jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Jens Kirchner 129 jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Jens Kirchner 134 jk011012 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 0035 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 0054 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 0082 EBV 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 0143 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 0164 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 7637 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 7646 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Thomas Eicken IMG 7660 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Basement 2 Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel09 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Basement Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel03 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel01 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Grd Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel05 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects L1 Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel07 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects L3 Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel11 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects L4 Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel13 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects L5 Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel15 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Roof Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel17 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel19 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel21 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel23 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel25 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects Drawings Kulturbau Benthem Crouwel27 180x180 Kulturbau Forum Confluentes  \ Benthem Crouwel Architects

‘MOST’ bench \ Tomaz Leskovec

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 10:57 PM PDT

Tomaz Leskovec has created the ‘MOST’ bench. The bench is made of six crosses that are sitting plane and six equal legs at the two ends of the crosses. The space between the crosses is equal to their thickness. All the pieces are held together by five screws, which pass through all six crosses and legs.

I got inspired from a hanging bridge (‘Most’ in Slovene means bridge) for the design of the bench and that's the reason for its name. I took a hanging bridge and put it upside down, so I got the basic form. I wanted a minimalistic design, a bench with simple clean lines, but still looking good.

Tomaz Leskovec

sitting places 600x400 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec

courtesy Tomaz Leskovec

in use 2 600x400 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec

courtesy Tomaz Leskovec

side view 600x300 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec

courtesy Tomaz Leskovec

+ All images courtesy Tomaz Leskovec
sitting places 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec side view 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec in use 2 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec in use 1 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec front view 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec elements 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec detail 3 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec detail 2 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec detail 1 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec concept 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec composition old new 180x180 MOST bench \ Tomaz Leskovec

The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 09:54 PM PDT

This project is one of the best interior work of Hangar Design Group for their own main office in Venice, Italy.

+ Design statement from Hangar Design Group

The interior of the Hangar House, which plays host to the offices and executive staff, was designed to create spaces conceived for privacy and intimacy, sugested by the use of materials such as metal, glass, stone and slate.

In the other building, site of the creative laboratories, a “New York” style emerges owing to the light wood and contrasting black and white colour scheme.

In a lofted room, the space is structured by regular bays, open spaces that promote and stimulate a flow of ideas, contact between the works stations and cooperation between the team members.

The concepts of proximity and flow are keywords in the contemporary office: free circultion of ideas, as well as emotional involvement, sensory experience and a sensation of wellbeing. In both buildings, regardless of the use, the basic precept that installation of the space and its perception deeply influence work and productivity. This is why the office, a place midway between architecture and design, must look more and more like home.

Hangar Design Group Headquarter 3 600x800 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

courtesy Hangar Design Group

Hangar Design Group Headquarter 19 600x800 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

courtesy Hangar Design Group

Hangar Design Group Headquarter 11A 600x450 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

courtesy Hangar Design Group

Hangar Design Group Headquarter 22 600x800 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

courtesy Hangar Design Group

+ Project facts

Project: Hangar Design Group main office
Client: Hangar Design Group
Design: Hangar Design Group
Location: Mogliano Veneto (Treviso) – Italy

+ All images courtesy Hangar Design Group
Hangar Design Group Headquarter 22 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 21 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 19 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 17 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 16 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 14 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 11A 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 10 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 6A 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group Hangar Design Group Headquarter 3 180x180 The Italian Head Quarter of Hangar Design Group

Restauracja Meksykanska Guac’n'Ole \ mode:lina

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 09:19 PM PDT

mode:lina studio have designed a new food spot in Poznan, Poland. This take away Mexican restaurant is a brand new resolution for a grill bar, with an interesting idea for young customers.

mode lina Guanole 2 600x446 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina

courtesy mode:lina

mode lina Guanole 3i1 600x439 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina

courtesy mode:lina

mode lina Guanole 5i4 600x434 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina

courtesy mode:lina

mode lina guacnole2 600x400 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina

courtesy mode:lina

mode lina guacnole1 600x400 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina

courtesy mode:lina

+ Design statement from mode:lina

“Fast, healthy, tasty, all in real mexican mood”

Struggling with these guidlines, amigos from mode:lina have created brand new resolution for a fast food bar, with interesting idea for young customers.

Starving like a luchador?

Inspired by typical mexican markets and food stalls, mode:lina team have designed a restaurant, where everyone can compose his personal meal, watching the preparing process.

Real mexican mess…

Rural atmosphere combines with modern design. Scattered wooden boxes are mixed with contrasting, colorful tiles and graphics. All in juicy, spicy colors just like mexican salsa. You can almost feel the spirit of Latin America in the centre of Poznan. Ole!

+ Project facts

PROJECT: Restauracja Meksyka?ska Guac’n'Ole
DESIGN: mode:lina architekci (Pawe? Garus & Jerzy Wo?niak)
PROJECT TEAM: Pawe? Garus, Jerzy Wo?niak, Kinga Kin, Agnieszka Owsiany
REALIZATION: Listopad / November 2012
AREA: 15 m2

+ All images courtesy mode:lina
mode lina Guanole 5i4 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 5 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 4 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 3i1 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 3 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 2 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 1 1 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina Guanole 6 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina guacnole2 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina mode lina guacnole1 180x180 Restauracja Meksykanska GuacnOle \ mode:lina
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