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B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

Posted: 08 Apr 2012 06:42 AM PDT

In the north-eastern outskirts of Milan, as part of the restructuring of the former industrial core that houses the RCS Mediagroup, the new office building B5 designed by Barreca & La Varra studio has just been completed. The building is an integral part of a master plan intended for research and intellectual work and contributes to the incredible transformation which the production areas at the edge of the city have undergone over the past few years.

B5 Barreca La Varra 12 600x400 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

Milano, November 21, 2011 – The studio Barreca & La Varra is one of the main firms in charge of restructuring the entire industrial compound for the RCS Mediagroup in Milan, Italy. They recently completed the office building known as B5, an integral part of the programmatic intervention of the area.

Barreca La Varra B5 siteplan 600x403 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup - Site plan, drawing courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio

The master plan, since its inception in 2001 when Boeri Studio (composed of Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra) won the design competition by invitation, has aimed to upgrade and expand the areas occupied by the older offices and printing works of the RCS company (located on via Rizzoli, northeast of Milan, near the River Lambro). Together with Stefano Boeri, the architects designed Building C, a low complex with an 18 storey tower and a central courtyard that culminates on the river's edge. In 2007, when the staff of RCS moved back into the new building, work on the next two projects began, including B5, which bears the signature style of the architects Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra, who founded their studio Barreca & La Varra in 2008.

B5 Barreca La Varra 13 600x900 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

B5 is a building of original character in respect to the other works on the site. While it actively participates in the program, it was intended to explore certain areas that were of particular importance to the architects.

Gianandrea Barreca stated that

they were interested in the unity and continuity of matter. Thus, once the first building on the site was designed with a glass matrix façade, it seemed natural to continue to pursue an objective of material homogeneity.

B5 Barreca La Varra 14 600x400 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

The new intervention by Barreca & La Varra means to house a series of programs, from the editorial offices of the RCS newspaper group, to photography studios and spaces for the multimedia sector. The building is the result of a high level of professionalism applied throughout every stage of development in the project.

Designed as a "classe A" (the equivalent of a LEED platinum) certified structure, B5 is a parallelepiped volume, with a five story glass façade that wraps around the building, reminiscent of the image of a barcode. The facades are one of the main design elements and work as a device that allows the building to engage with the surrounding urban spaces that form the boundary of the site, as well as to promote greater flexibility and spatial quality to the interior workplace.

B5 Barreca La Varra 19 600x900 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

The façade is composed of vertical alternating shades of white, gray and black (with the exception of the ground floor where black is the dominant color). The color "texture" of each floor is staggered in respect to the adjacent floors of the buildings. The verticality of the project is enhanced by the black string-course elements.

Giovanni La Varra explains that

the decision to work on the boundary elements was due to the fact that, in a marginal context such as it exists at this site, it was important to establish a new front that would engage the street. They had to establish a new territorial as well as urban identity.

The facade of B5 attempts to pursue an ideal of composed space and scale.

B5 Barreca La Varra 06 600x400 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

Each of the glass panels of the surface, which sometimes appear transparent and at other times opaque depending on the light, dress the façade and consolidate the dimensions and forms with precision and grace. The building is easily understood by the observer. The rhythm and cadence inherent in the structure of the façade defines the space, designing and arranging the areas within which individuals interact. Windows are placed between the opaque glass elements, and a shading system, perpendicular to the façade, was incorporated thus endowing it with a sort of dynamism.

Barreca La Varra B5 facade detail 02 600x424 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

Gianandrea Barreca states that

The entire building, including the ground floor facing the inner court, is covered with serigraphed and colorful glass panels and vertical screens in the shape of 'fins' that emerge from the edges of the façade. The search for a balance between these and other architectural elements, like the black string-course, create for an ever-changing and dynamic façade. The façade then becomes a sort of assembly kit, a structure that indicates the functions, and perhaps more interestingly, generates the perception of the building as a sculpture in the landscape.

The operable windows are also the mediators between B5 and the rest of the RCS project. The surrounding cityscape and context are in fact reflected from the glass as if the building were able to "read" the site, tracing on its surface the history, ideas and stories that give the place its current shape. The dialogue between the architecture and the landscape, in this particular case between the façade and the city, is an idea that Barreca & La Varra have always been particularly mindful of since the inception of their firm.

The attempt is to define the façade in a greater sense than is usually required, creating a surface that is much more responsive to its surroundings. The ability to design the compound of the RCS as a creative hub that interacts directly with the public spaces of the area was a major goal of the architects, who wanted to create a “village for intellectual work”.

Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra

B5 Barreca La Varra 04 600x400 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio | Photo by Paolo Rosselli

The restructuring of the RCS compound, in Barreca & La Varra's project, is essential to the preservation of the history of this part of the city and serves as a catalyst for future development. From the beginning of the 20th century Milan has developed vast industrial areas which are set apart from the rest of the city. These areas grow larger every year and are thus always located in the periphery. Isolated developments are scattered through the countryside with little or no contact between the city and themselves. These areas nowadays often experience hardship, neglect and more often than not, fall into ruin. The new design of the RCS is designed as if it were a cultural and social hub that responds to contemporary issues and needs. The recovery of the area consists of expanding the compound; thus attempting a social construct that is explicit of the ideals of Barreca & La Varra and a competent vehicle for interaction between the publishing group and the Milanese community that is witness to the evolution and the growth of one of the most important business groups in the city.

The construction of B5 has offered a starting point to analyze and comment a few of the issues raised by the project. The book Barreca & La Varra. Questioni di facciata, edited by Moreno Gentili, will be published by Skira in January 2012 in both English and Italian.

+ Project facts

Milan, ITALY

architects: Barreca & La Varra
client: Iniziativa Immobiliare Due s.r.l. (Prelios S.p.A. – Morgan Stanley – RCS Mediagroup)
development management: Prelios S.p.A.
schematic design, design development and artistic supervision: Barreca & La Varra (Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra)
with: Andrea Perego (project coordinator), Dino Polverino (artistic supervision coordinator), Alessandro Grassi,
Fabrizio Lampis, Simona Oberti, Marina Ranieri
construction documents and structures: S.C.E. s.n.c.
mechanical and electrical systems: Teknema Consulting S.r.l.
fire protection: Studiogamma s.r.l.

gross floor surface: 9.549 mq
floor area: 2.340 mq
schedule design: 2007-2008
construction: 2008-2011

photographer: Paolo Rosselli

+ About Barreca & La Varra
Barreca La Varra 600x492 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

Gianandrea Barreca + Giovanni La Varra, image courtesy Barreca & La Varra studio


Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra founded their studio Barreca & La Varra in 2008 and before that, since 1999, were partners at Boeri Studio (with Stefano Boeri).

Gianandrea Barreca is one of the founders of Gruppo A12. He works to promote seminars, research, exhibits, and installations on the human contemporary condition, in particular on the subject of the interactions between the urban context and public art. Since 2006 he has collaborated with Domus Academy in Milan as Director of the Master's Program in Urban Vision and Architectural Design. Since 2009 he has taught Architectural Composition at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Genoa.

Giovanni La Varra teaches Composition and Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Politecnico of Milan and Urban Planning at the School of Humanities of the Università Statale in Milan. He is the author of numerous research studies on contemporary housing and on the organization and temporary use of public spaces. With the research group Multiplicity he has realized studies and installations on contemporary urban conditions, like USE-Uncertain States of Europe (a survey on the future of the European territory exhibited at Bordeaux in 2000, Brussels in 2001, Tokyo in 2002 and Milan in 2002) and Solid Sea (the Mediterranean research presented at Documenta XI-Kassel-2002 and exhibited in Vienna, Berlin and Rotterdam). From September 2009 to April 2011 he was an advisor to the planning board of the Expo 2015.

Over the years the work of Barreca & La Varra has been recognized nationally and internationally in the field of urban design and architecture by their continuous participation in competitions and public and private works for important Italian and foreign clients. Numerous projects, developed over the years as Boeri Studio, have been recently inaugurated or are in the process of completion under the supervision of the two new offices: Stefano Boeri architects and Barreca & La Varra.

The social housing project in Seregno (Milan), the new headquarters for the RCS Mediagroup in Milan and the 307 building at Milano-Bicocca for Pirelli RE are some of the projects that have helped to establish the firm. Barreca & La Varra are in charge of the executive and construction aspects of several projects such as Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) for Hines in Milan, The Villa, the Centre Regionale de la Mediterranee for the region PACA in Marseille and the renovation of the Maggiore Policlinico Hospital in Milan. At the same time they have developed other projects designed by their firm such as the European Centre for Advanced Biomedical Research in Milan on behalf of the Fondazione Cerba and the offices of the RSA – Royal Sun Alliance in Genoa. The studio is characterized for their use of new advanced technologies of construction and their experimentation with a complex urban and architectural language that responds to the evolving traits of contemporary society and the complexity of economic, social and institutional structures that today compose cities, sites and affect the environment we live in.

+ All images and drawings courtesy Barreca & La Varra | Photo by Paolo Rosselli
Barreca La Varra 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 entrance canopy section 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 facade detail 02 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 09 sectionCC 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 06 north elevation 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 05 plan level 2 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 04 plan level 1 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio Barreca La Varra B5 siteplan 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 10 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 07 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 04 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 03 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 19 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 18 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 17 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 16 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 06 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 09 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 08 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 05 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 02 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 01 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 15 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 14 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 13 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 11 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio B5 Barreca La Varra 12 180x180 B5 Building for RCS Mediagroup \ Barreca & La Varra studio

DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

Posted: 08 Apr 2012 04:04 AM PDT

Dot Leonardo Rossano 02 600x390 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Dot", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

Dot Leonardo Rossano 01 600x458 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Dot", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

Dot Leonardo Rossano 03 600x312 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Dot", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

Salone Del Mobile, Milan
Pavilion 12 stand E14
17- 22 April, 2012

Conceived as an island of comfort from simple organic forms the bed "Dot" is made by the producer Esedra and designed by Leonardo Rossano. Various artisans handcrafted each piece, which is an expression of Italian "know how", to realize the bed. The simplicity of the design reveals multiple functions: an orbit shaped shelf can be moved to the middle of the bed and turned into a table for breakfast, laptop, or TV. The mattress and frame can be rotated together, and the mattress can be raised to place the linens. The mechanisms are protected at the base of this impressive piece of furniture.

Sparta Leonardo Rossano Michelle Ashcraft 02 600x640 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Sparta", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

Sparta Leonardo Rossano Michelle Ashcraft 03 600x640 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Sparta", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

Sparta Leonardo Rossano Michelle Ashcraft 01 600x640 DOT and SPARTA \ Leonardo Rossano & Michelle Ashcraft

"Sparta", image courtesy Leonardo Rossano

The seating collection “Sparta” is collaboration between Leonardo Rossano and a young American designer Michelle Ashcraft. Simple yet elegant, with a clear structure and fine details, the collection is produced by a Tuscan company Esedra. Sparta is cut from simple sheet of plywood then assembled by skilled craftsmen. Sparta is a seating system with a contemporary design, in which harmony of proportions and comfort characterize a versatile product suitable for public and private spaces. A poetic design that speaks the language of archetypal forms.

Leonardo Rossano is an architect and designer since 91' in Florence, Italy. He freelance designs furniture, furnishing complements, and exhibition space.

Michelle Ashcraft has a degree in industrial design and masters in graphic design. She is currently working as a freelance designer in Florence, Italy.

+ Design fact

Designer: Leonardo Rossano | studio@leonardorossano.com
Designer: Michelle Ashcraft | ashcraftmichelle@ymail.com

Eco-friendly 3d Wallpanels \ MyWallart

Posted: 08 Apr 2012 04:13 AM PDT

MyWallArt 3d wallpanels 011 Eco friendly 3d Wallpanels \ MyWallart

Eco-friendly 3d wallpanels, image courtesy Anton Luo

Eco friendly 3d-wallpanels made out of Sugarcane bagasse
Eco 3d-wallpanels give an extra dimension to your walls!

WallArt will bring your walls to life with their eco friendly 3d-wallpanels made out of the fibrous residue of sugarcane also called bagasse. This fibres of crushed sugarcane stalks, remaining after raw sugar is extracted from the juice of the sugarcane by shredding it, is now the raw material that forms the base of this easily installed eco friendly interior product. The raw material used for WallArt 3d-wallpanels is 100% recycled, compostable and therefore 100% biodegradable.

MyWallArt 3d wallpanels 021 Eco friendly 3d Wallpanels \ MyWallart

Eco-friendly 3d wallpanels, image courtesy Anton Luo

WallArt 3d wall panels are all made out of a renewable source which is biodegradable and therefore contribute to sustainability. Bagasse, as a residue of sugarcane, is one of the world's most renewable sources because sugarcane can be harvested up to 3 times a year. The total harvest worldwide is more than 1.2 billion metric tons yearly and out of each 3 ton of sugarcane there remains 1 ton of bagasse. By using this recycled raw material we can say this 3d-wallpaper is a real eco decor product.

MyWallArt 3d wallpanels 031 Eco friendly 3d Wallpanels \ MyWallart

Eco-friendly 3d wallpanels, image courtesy Anton Luo

WallArt introduced their 3d-wallcovering in Europe in 2011. They’ve been the first entering the market with this eco friendly home decor and interior product. At this moment there are 12 different models of the WallArt 3d wall panels available, for more information about WallArt and their 3d decorating wall panels please go to their website www.mywallart.com and check it out. WallArt 3d decorative wall panels are not only environmentally friendly but the 3d effect give an extra dimension to your walls!

MyWallArt 3d wallpanels 041 Eco friendly 3d Wallpanels \ MyWallart

Eco-friendly 3d wallpanels, image courtesy Anton Luo

+ Design fact

MyWallArt | www.mywallart.com
Designer: Anton Luo | luo@mywallart.com

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