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FLAXX Chair \ Martin Mostböck

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 12:41 AM PST

FLAXX martin FLAXX Chair \ Martin Mostböck

FLAXX Chair, image courtesy Martin Mostböck

Vienna designer Martin Mostböck has created the FLAXX Chair.

The FLAXX Chair is a hybrid design which offers the comfort of a free-swinging chair as well as the functionality of a conventional four-legged chair. The novel structure of the support frame and the combination of advantages from both designs is a contemporary interpretation in both form and function. The seat shell is made from natural fiber mats, which are molded into a stable three-dimensional form by pressing multiple layers of the material. The mats predominantly consist of flax, an annually renewable raw material, and are held together by textile polypropylene as an adhesive.
The seat shell and frame are made of 100% recyclable materials.

Good News: The GREEN GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2011 (The Chicago Athenaeum, Museum of Architecture and Design, Chicago,USA) for sustainable and Green Design was awarded to the FLAXX Chair.

FLAXX Stilwerk 2011 FLAXX Chair \ Martin Mostböck

FLAXX Chair, image courtesy Martin Mostböck

+ About Martin Mostböck
Martin Mostb%C3%B6ck FLAXX Chair \ Martin Mostböck

Martin Mostböck, image courtesy Martin Mostböck

Martin Mostböck was born in Vienna.

He studied Architecture at the University of Technology Vienna and received his Diploma in 1994.
Since 1994 he has been practicing with Coop Himmelb(l)au in the fields of architecture, design, construction and urban planning.

Martin Mostböck has taught Design, Studio and was lecturer at the University of Technology Vienna and the MAK Academy (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art).

He has received many national and international Awards and nominations for his work (GOOD DESIGN AWARD, red dot Award, Adolf Loos Award-Austrian State Prize for Design, International Design Award Baden-Württemberg, Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany).

Martin Mostböck´s work and designs have been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, Asia, North America and Australia and it is also part of the some of the world´s most prestigious museum collections such as the Chicago Athenaeum, Museum of Architecture and Design, USA and the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art – MAK, Vienna.

CS House \ AH Asociados

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 12:56 AM PST

ah asociados CS House 7 600x480  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

This house is located in an area dotted with residential buildings. Building a house that creates an isolated world for its inhabitants requires a simple but determined execution. It has been necessary to make the most of the views by making use of the elevated position of the plot to protect it from the impact of adjacent buildings.

ah asociados CS House 3 600x478  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

ah asociados CS House 1 600x749  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

The "S" section allows the opening up of the bedrooms and living-room to the garden that is protected by vegetation. The first floor has the opposite orientation so that the light enters directly into its rooms. In this floor the opaque level that turns into a far image of the house protects the terrace, a floor opened to the sky in the folded level, which is the private and intimate place of the house.

ah asociados CS House 8 600x479  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

The folded "S" section floats above a cut in the ground with a “C” form that in its opening empties the site and leaves a hole above which the house is constructed. The access floor is located in the basement floor and discovers the dynamic section of the house. The sides are opened and glazed so that the folding of the section is shown.

ah asociados CS House PLAN  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

ah asociados CS House SECTIONS 600x849  CS House \ AH Asociados

CS House, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by Hisao Suzuki

+ Project facts

Authors: AH Asociados | Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Marcos Escartín Miguel
Collaborators: Carlos Barvo
Technical Architects: Jordi Armadá Soler, Joan Salaet i Bosquet
Engineering: ED Enginyeria
Constructor: CS Actuacions Urbanístiques Industrials, S.L
Project Data: Julio 2001
Completion Data: Julio 2002
Built surface: 613,28 m2
Photographer: Hisao Suzuki
Awards: VI Convocatoria Premios Veteco-Asefave: Primera Mención de Honor Premio Ventana

+ All images and drawings courtesy AH Asociados
ah asociados CS House ELEVATION 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House PLAN 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House SECTIONS 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House SITUATION 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 1 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 2 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 3 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 5 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 4 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 6 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 7 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados ah asociados CS House 8 180x180  CS House \ AH Asociados

Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Posted: 10 Feb 2012 07:04 PM PST

ah asociados 02Monastery Fitero 600x299 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Architecture Studio, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

ah asociados 03Monastery Fitero 600x294 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Architecture Studio, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

It was necessary to eliminate the divisions in order to obtain a free space on both floors: the offices and the architect's studio. Inside this free space, the existing structure and the built elements, which have been properly repaired and painted, are visible and add a timeless characteristic which contrasts with the new elements. The project has been planned as a total rehabilitation of the building preserving its original structure and elements. The inside and outside area of the building have been treated in different ways. The outside treatment respects the volumetric size of the building through the exclusive use of one unifying material. This treatment defines the new image of the building as clear and ordered thanks to the special disposition of the materials.

ah asociados 06Monastery Fitero 600x293 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Architecture Studio, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

ah asociados 01Monastery Fitero 600x295 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Architecture Studio, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

The suitability of the studio's location for energy efficiency determined the utilization of a deck which includes a high capacity system that uses the radiant energy to minimize the energy consumption. This system avoids the unnecessary and excessive consumption of energy by avoiding the usual air temperature fluctuation, by increasing the air renovation in the building improving the comfort and health conditions and by minimizing the risk of construction pathologies.

+ Project facts
ah asociados 08Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Before, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

Location: Cizur Menor, Navarra, Spain
Authors: AH Asociados | Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón
Collaborators: Hugo Olaizola, Pablo Branchi
Technical Architect: Michel Aldaz García-Mina, Idoya Alba Orduna
Engineering: José Luis Ruiz, Javier Gironés – GE
Developer: AH Asociados
Constructor: Por gremios
Project Date: Diciembre 2003
Completion Date: Abril 2006
Built Surface: 719.64 m2
Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas – Proyectar
Awards: Premio COAVN 2007 Rehabilitación. Biennale Internazionale di Architettura "Barbara Cappochin" Edizione 2007, Selección Internacional. Obra seleccionada.

+ All images courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas
ah asociados 02Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 03Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 04Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 05Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 01Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 06Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 07Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 08Monastery Fitero 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 12Monastery Fitero site 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 10Monastery Fitero plan 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 09Monastery Fitero elevation 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados ah asociados 11Monastery Fitero section 180x180 Architecture Studio \ AH Asociados

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Posted: 10 Feb 2012 06:23 PM PST

DRDS 11Jewelry EXPO 600x389 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, render courtesy DRDS

DRDS 04Jewelry EXPO 600x356 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, render courtesy DRDS

The project, based on an exclusive agreement with the Chinese Government and the National China Geological Society, is for a new international jewelry exhibition and cultural center located adjacent to Beijing Airport. The project, envisioned for domestic and international travelers, leverage synergies between the Chinese jewelry industry, retail and entertainment, creating a single cultural center containing a jewelry wholesale market, fabrication processing facility, jewelry retail, exhibition, commercial retail, entertainment, duty free, food and beverage.

DRDS 05Jewelry EXPO 600x389 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, render courtesy DRDS

The program is clustered around two atria courts that offer daylight to visitors inside. It is a civic and cultural land- mark destination with a contemporary and iconic image. Design features support efficient and flexible leasing strategies to react to market conditions.

DRDS 06Jewelry EXPO 600x389 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, render courtesy DRDS


The project vision is to create a new international jewelry exhibition and retail cultural center totaling 350,000 SM and 50,000 SM of parking.

Huibao is current work with the National China Geological Society to develop an industrial park and Jewelry Exhibition Center to promote the Chinese and International Industry. In addition to the Jewelry Exhibition and Retail the project vision is to incorporate both cultural and retail components to support both domestic and international travelers due to the current lack of retail and entertainment venues at the Beijing International Airport.

DRDS 07Jewelry EXPO 600x389 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO, render courtesy DRDS

Design Goals

The design goals for the Given the proposed scale of the project, 350,000 SM of gross program area the design will need to provide ease of access with clear wayfinding for both vehicular and pedestrian flow throughout the cultural center.

+ Project facts

Beijing World Jewelry EXPO
Use: Retail, Exhibition + Cultural Center
Concept: 2011
Design: DRDS
Location: Beijing, China
Gross Floor Area: 400,000 SM

+ All images and drawings courtesy DRDS
DRDS 02Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 11Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 04Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 05Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 07Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 06Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 03Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 01Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 09Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 10Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS DRDS 08Jewelry EXPO 180x180 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS
+ More project by DRDS on +MOOD
Pangyo DRDS plusMOOD 595x321 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

Pangyo Global R+D Center | DRDS

KNN Media Center DRDS plusMOOD 1 595x392 Beijing World Jewelry EXPO \ DRDS

KNN Media Center | DRDS

Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Posted: 10 Feb 2012 07:57 PM PST

ah asociados Fitero 3 600x598 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Library of the Monastery of Fitero, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

ah asociados Fitero 14 600x613 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Library of the Monastery of Fitero, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

The internal space of this monastic creation turns out to be the prime factor in the intervention since this space is recovered as a staged union of three public rooms, which allow a synthetic knowledge of the constructive process of the monastic complex. To achieve this, the original volumes are recovered by means of new covering structures which reinterpretate the wooden traditional ones, and keep the massive character of the historical construction in stone, brick and cast.

ah asociados Fitero 12 600x613 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Library of the Monastery of Fitero, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

The kitchen area turns out to be an alternative entrance to the monastery, and to its own library, hence recovering its stone entrance, as well as a section by means of a wooden pyramid structure which centrally aligns the old vaulted space, thanks to a lantern which illuminates the place. This hallway leads to the horizontal refectory space, in shade, suited to the exhibition of small items and audiovisual montages, from whose coffered wood panelled ceiling a stairway leads down giving access to the library floor underneath its great centrally located vault, whose vertical tension confers its appearance of great height. Once you get up to the top floor, the space is organised on two contrasted levels of contemplation. At the lower level, the exhibition area seems to be defined as a continuous piece of wooden and glass furniture fixture, inclined hence preventing the reflection of troubling images, and the other upper level, characterised by its vault and its decor from the nineteenth century.

ah asociados Fitero 4 600x612 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Library of the Monastery of Fitero, image courtesy AH Asociados | Photo by José Manuel Cutillas

In short, the intervention is trying to maintain a careful balance between the recovery of a piece lingering in the recent memory and its adaptation to possible future uses via the introduction of basic elements of spatial organisation without any interference to the accepted reading of history, thus allowing full reconditioning and hence public enjoyment of the recovered spaces.

ah asociados Fitero ELEVATION 600x849 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

Library of the Monastery of Fitero - Section elevation, drawing courtesy AH Asociados

+ Project facts

Authors: Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón
Collaborators: Eduardo Arilla, María José Prieto, Victor Henández
Technical Architects: Joaquín Aliaga Montes
Developer: Ayuntamiento de Fitero
Constructor: U.T.E. Fitero (Pavimentos de Navarra, S.A. y Arbeloa Construcciones, S.L.)
Project Date: Agosto 1998
Completion Date: Agosto 2001
Built Surface: 558.5 m2
Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas – Proyectar
Awards: Premio Europa Nostra 2002, Mención Especial

+ All images and drawings courtesy AH Asociados
ah asociados Fitero 10 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 4 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 3 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 2 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 14 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 8 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 12 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 11 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero 1 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero GENERAL PLAN 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero ELEVATION 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero PLAN 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados ah asociados Fitero SECTIONS 180x180 Library of the Monastery of Fitero \ AH Asociados

DRDS win the competition for South Korea’s Land and Housing Corporation

Posted: 10 Feb 2012 05:42 PM PST

DRDS 15 600x396 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Render courtesy DRDS

DRDS design for South Korea's Land and Housing Corporation wins international competition. The project, located in Jinju South Korea, was selected among 9 teams competing for a new US320 million corporate headquarters.

DRDS 09 600x469 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Image courtesy DRDS

The vision for the project is to create a new sustainable campus with integrated green architectural design features for a new corporate headquarters building. The 65,000sm program consists of administrative offices, public services, welfare and cultural facilities that include sports facilities, exhibition hall, classrooms, broadcasting studios, library, credit union, cafeteria, child care and conference center.

DRDS 19 600x426 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Render courtesy DRDS

DRDS 20 600x526 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Render courtesy DRDS

The design concept "Land Meets Sky" reflects LH's brand by creating a building that is harmonious both visually and technologically with the surrounding landscape. The project implements numerous sustainable methodologies at both the micro and macro scale. Features include a dramatic brise soleil on the southern façade of the tower and multi-storey interactive zones on the west that utilize an intelligent skin that draws cool air through the building. The project, located near a scenic river walk in Jinju South Korea, integrates public and private program areas (a primary security concern); into a seamless composition that promotes an egalitarian environment. Public sports fields are located south of standing structures to take advantage of sunlight for athletic events and daily use.

DRDS 18 600x800 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Render courtesy DRDS

Korea Land & Housing Corporation engages in the construction, renovation, and management of land and housing properties, and cities in South Korea and internationally. The company constructs apartment complexes, rental apartments, new towns, industrial complexes, free economic zones, industrial parks and new cities, and residential housing projects. It also involves in the improvement of residential environments; development of housing land; reconstruction of housing projects; refinement of urban environments; promotion of urban refinement; and provision of remodeling and consulting services. The company was formerly known as Korea National Housing Corporation. Korea Land & Housing Corporation was founded in 1962.

DRDS 16 mlp 600x411 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Render courtesy DRDS

DRDS 01 600x493 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation

Sketch courtesy DRDS

+ Project facts

Project name: LH – Korean Land + Housing Corporation
Use: Corporate Headquarters Design: 2012
Construction Completion: Q1 2015
Design Architects: DRDS
Associate Architects: Mooyoung/Tomoon Location: Jinju, Korea Gross Floor Area: 65,000 SM
Firm website: www.drd-studio.com

+ All images courtesy of DRDS
DRDS 19 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 15 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 17 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 20 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 18 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 07 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 09 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 01 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 16 mlp 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 10 roof 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 08 plan 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 04 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 05 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 06 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 12 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 13 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 14 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 11 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 02 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation DRDS 03 180x180 DRDS win the competition for South Koreas Land and Housing Corporation
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