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Broadway House \ Marcus O’Reilly Architects

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 07:29 AM PST

This pavilion at the rear of the large Edwardian house faces directly west, a striking colourful screen was devised to filter the heat load, views to neighbouring properties, provide privacy and to animate interior spaces with a lovely warm afternoon glow through the coloured glass louvres.

Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 8 600x349 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects

Broadway House, image courtesy Marcus O'Reilly Architects

Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 7 600x349 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects

Broadway House, image courtesy Marcus O'Reilly Architects

The copper clad building was designed to graft onto the existing red brick structure in a complementary yet contemporary way.

A linear 35 metersuspended light fixture spans from the entry hall of the existing house through the new kitchen to the rear garden in order to dramatically link the interiors of old and new.

Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 5 600x349 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects

Broadway House, image courtesy Marcus O'Reilly Architects

The new kitchen was floated in the middle of the ground floor space in order to create separate living and dining zones while still maintaining an open spatial flow.

Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects Floor Plans 600x604 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects

Broadway House - Floor plans, drawing courtesy Marcus O'Reilly Architects


Architect: Marcus O’Reilly Architects | http://www.marcusoreilly.com/
Location: Elwood, Victoria, Australia
Type: House

Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 8 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 2 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 7 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 3 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 1 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 4 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 5 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects 6 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects Broadway Marcus O Reilly Architects Floor Plans 180x180 Broadway House \ Marcus OReilly Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 06:17 AM PST

As part of the Federal Government's BEER initiative, this small private school, in Sydney's northern suburbs, identified the need  for a multi-purpose hall to serve both primary and secondary students. The project had a very tight budget. However, the Client requested that the multi-purpose hall be designed in such a way as to create opportunities for expansion to meet the rapidly growing need for further space on the school campus.

JSA Northern Beaches Christian 3 Northern Beaches Christian School Multi purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall, image courtesy Jonnes Sonter Architects | Photo by Simon Wood

The architects, Jones Sonter, developed a concept for the project which elevates the main hall floor, thus unlocking a multitude of possibilities for the core building and its future potential for additional learning spaces. The key to the design solution was the  discovery of unstable ground conditions, which required piling to support a suspended ground slab. Thee design logic that followed from this was that if structural necessity dictated that the concrete slab was suspended anyway, it may as well be suspended well above the ground so that the resulting undercroft space could be available for future expansion.

JSA Northern Beaches Christian 5 Northern Beaches Christian School Multi purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall, image courtesy Jonnes Sonter Architects | Photo by Simon Wood

From this it was evident that by simply lifting the main floor on columns, a grand stair and stepped seating could be designed at the entry to thee building and by extending the roof over this space, an external shaded assembly area was created. In this way the school got a bonus space that served a variety of functions: a shaded and stepped seating area; a sheltered outdoor assembly space; a place for staging theatrical events; a grandstand for the adjacent sports area; a highly visible point of orientation and an entry which conveyed an imposing sense of arrival for events in the hall.

JSA Northern Beaches Christian 4 Northern Beaches Christian School Multi purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall, image courtesy Jonnes Sonter Architects | Photo by Simon Wood

The site is located on a plateau overlooking Sydney's northern beaches and as a result it benefits from regular ocean breezes. As sustainability and low energy use was a central concern of the project, the hall was designed with both low and high level windows, primarily to allow for good cross-flow ventilation at the floor level and natural discharge of warm air at the ceiling level. Sensitivity to natural ventilation is complemented by high levels of natural light, which further assist in reducing energy consumption.

JSA Northern Beaches Christian 1 Northern Beaches Christian School Multi purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall, image courtesy Jonnes Sonter Architects | Photo by Simon Wood

The main hall interior incorporates a sports floor, marked for eight games, including  basketball and badminton. Viewing floors are provided at two levels along one side of the courts. At the ground level, amenities and stores are provided, together with a gymnasium for senior students and staff.

JSA Northern Beaches Christian 2 Northern Beaches Christian School Multi purpose Hall \ Jonnes Sonter Architects

Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall, image courtesy Jonnes Sonter Architects | Photo by Simon Wood

The main hall interior incorporates a sports floor, marked for eight games, including basketball and badminton. Viewing floors are provided at two levels along one side of the courts. At the ground level, amenities and stores are provided, together with a gymnasium for senior students and staff.

The design for future expansion proved to be a worthwhile exercise, as it was decided, prior to completion off the main building programme, that thee under croft area would be immediately in-filled with new student learning spaces for design technology, with an outlook to the neighboring golf course.

Jones Sonter are an award winning Sydney based firm of architects and urban designers with a range of clients inn the government, institutional and private sectors.


Northern Beaches Christian School Multi-purpose Hall
Architect: Jones Sonter Archhitecture + Urbanism
Design Team: Kim Jones, Brad Sonter, Julianne Hughes & Jasmine Yeung
Photographer: Simon Wood

+ ABOUT Jones Sonter Architecture + Urbanism

Jones Sonter is a firm of chartered architects with particular expertise in urban design, strategic masterplanning and project management. The firm is committed to a design approach that integrates the practice of architecture and urban design with principles of social and ecological sustainment.

The firm believes that excellence in architecture and urban design rests on a comprehensive understanding of human needs and  aspirations within a specific context of environmental conditions and requirements. The firm has found that each project has a solution that is unique to its time and place. Hence it does not align work with stylistic trends, preferring instead to let the project reflect its own particular origin and process.

We subscribe to the simple philosophy that 'design is common sense', and we bring a logical and rigorous approach to each individual design task. With every project the firm is committed to a design outcome that is comprehensively informed by the clients brief, guided by a strong central idea, conditioned by the demands of the program and budget, and shaped by the character of the site and logic of construction.

Jones Sonter is a partnership practice based around a core team of experienced professionals with a range of complementary skills acquired in major planning and development projects. The strengths of the firm lie principally in two areas. One is the ability to integrate the needs of multiple stakeholder client entities through an accountable brief development process. The other is the experience to coordinate, manage and creatively harness the skills of multi-disciplinary design teams on large scale projects.

Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Posted: 10 Nov 2011 05:01 AM PST

The original house was a massive monochromatic, cavernous, almost windowless building that was remodeled to create spacious, bright interiors with warm contemporary exterior finishes including hardwood for the roof eaves. The cozy interior consists of a living room, kitchen, dining, office, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, master ensuite and appointed with wood veneers + natural-colored tiles. The To help conserve water, a xeriscape was designed for the front of the house while the side and rear yards are artificial grass.

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity 00a 600x450 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City, image courtesy DLFstudio

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity 01 600x401 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City, image courtesy DLFstudio

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity 03 600x896 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City, image courtesy DLFstudio

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity 27 600x893 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City, image courtesy DLFstudio

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity SitePlan 600x400 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City - Site plan, drawing courtesy DLFstudio

DLFstudio CasaCulverCity UpperFloorPlan 600x615 Casa Culver City \ DLFstudio

Casa Culver City - Upper floor plan, drawing courtesy DLFstudio


Casa Culver City
Type: Residential
Location: Culver City, CA
Date: 2008
Land Area: 6225 ft² (578 m²)
Built area: 3400 ft² (315 m²)
Design project: DLFstudio | Doug Esparza + Eliza Costabel | http://www.dlfstudio.com/
Landscape design: DLFstudio
Structural Engineering: Mid-Cities Engineering

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