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Rider Levett Bucknall launches Free Cost App

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 05:58 AM PST

Global construction and property advisor Rider Levett Bucknall has launched its free cost-based app for desktop PCs and smartphones at World Architecture Festival 2011.

RLB app Rider Levett Bucknall launches Free Cost App

Courtesy Rider Levett Bucknall

The Rider Levett Bucknall Intelligence App enables users to access instant cost data, market trend information and analysis without any subscription or purchase fees.

For those without access to a smartphone, the PC version can be downloaded and saved as a desktop link and utilises the same web-based, global cost database.

Features include global cost comparison, tender price index data and worldwide construction market analysis and commentary, alongside an electronic version of the Riders Digest, its annual construction industry guide.

It is hoped that the tool will prove useful for architects, enabling them to check benchmark costs when making design decisions.

We are already well known for our accurate and relevant cost research, producing a number of reports during the year.

With the increasing popularity of smart phones and desire to access up to date information instantly we saw the opportunity to develop an app which would provide people in the property industry with the latest cost data.

We wanted this to be functional and useful, rather than a simple replication of our website – if you're looking for an initial indication of the cost of a proposed development you now have access to an app whenever and wherever you need it.

Lance Taylor, chief executive at Rider Levett Bucknall

The app uses Rider Levett Bucknall‘s regularly updated, location specific cost data to provide a range of current expected building costs for specified building types across the world.

Tender Price Index information compares modelled TPI figures using both location and time parameters, enabling the user to identify comparative price movements and trends.

Location-specific analysis of general construction market conditions including activity across all sectors, price movements and forecasts are also provided.

The smartphone version of the app is available on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry Operating Systems and can be downloaded free of charge from various app stores by searching for 'RLB' or 'Rider Levett Bucknall'. All apps, including the desktop version are available by visiting www.rlb.com/app

Attendees at WAF 2011 will be able to download the app via links at the Rider Levett Bucknall sponsored bar in the main exhibition hall.

+ About Rider Levett Bucknall

Rider Levett Bucknall is an independent, global property consultant, providing advice focused on the cost, quality and sustainability of the built environment.

The firm, which has over 2,500 staff operating from more than 100 offices, offers three core services – Quantity Surveying, Building Surveying and Project Management. These are complemented by a number of advisory services.

It utilises a Responsible Management philosophy, helping clients to spend less money and delivering more efficient, cost conscious and sustainable results on both a corporate and asset basis.

Its international reach ensures that it provides services in line with the latest innovations and examples of best practice, supporting expertise in a range of sectors including civil and social infrastructure, commercial, energy, sport and leisure, retail, and residential.

IFAC 2012 “International Festival of Art & Construction”

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 01:30 AM PST

IFAC 2012 cartelcontst IFAC 2012 International Festival of Art & Construction

IFAC (International Festival of Art & Construction) is organizing the festival of art and construction “IFAC 2012″ for next summer.

+ About IFAC
  • It is an initiative of the nonprofit association “self-sufficent movement” which seeks to promote the philosophy of self-sufficiency in society, invest aggressive consumer trends, encourage and disseminate self-sufficient practices, investigate and explore ways to self-sufficiency.
  • I.F.A.C. is a project focused on 200 young artists and architects from across Europe to live together 10 days in a space of creation and integration of different arts, the result will be creations , publishing, construction and various designs in any field of art.
  • I.F.A.C. will be located in a rural setting, to provide a fun work environment where a festive atmosphere will be the framework for debates and discussions about contemporary concerns.

IFAC 2012 BANNER IFAC 2012 International Festival of Art & Construction

IFAC is developing a preliminary contest in order to select and reward the future Tutors of the IFAC Workshop, the competition seeks a diversity and richness of workshops, to express and work around current issues in art and construction.

Registration is free, you may submit projects to the workshop on December 5 and the awards are:

  • 10 prizes of € 100 for each workshop
  • Lead your project and be published
  • Free assistance of a tutor to I.F.A.C.

+ Visit the official website at www.IFAC2012.com for more information.

Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio

Posted: 06 Nov 2011 06:13 AM PST

in square lab proposed the recladding project for Puskinsky Cinema, Moscow, Russia. The proposal seeks to reconnect the Cinema back to the city through a series of site driven interventions; reviving the glory of the cinema and providing an icon to the city of Moscow.

Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Panaromic 600x417 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio

Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema, render courtesy in square lab

Symbiotic Facade – Pushkinsky Cinema

Located in the heart of Moscow, symbiotic facade serves to conceptualise the historical Puskinsky square through the blurring of Pushkinsky Cinema's footprint. The new intervention aims to provoke, promote and provide physical, cultural and psychological interactions; drawing wider public to the area.

Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Perspective 600x400 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio

Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema, render courtesy in square lab

Rather than erasing the existing building, the proposed scheme celebrates the tension and co-existence between the retained and the changed through strategic use of form, light, space and material. Corian is chosen as the facade material in view to achieve a seamless organic fluid flow of amalgamation between the rigid (representing the past) and the fluid (indicating a new future).

Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Interior 600x352 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio

Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema, render courtesy in square lab

The new facade is seen as a solid cellular structure that grows, at first scarcely from the square onto the steps and then gradually covering parts of the facade, constantly revealing a glimpse of the building history. The merging and emerging of this new solid structure into the light transparent glass facade generates a sense of playfulness while inclusive and inviting the public arena. Numerous 'celluar holes' within the new intervention also creates transient light qualities that will change throughout the day as the light washes over the surfaces.

Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Diagram 02 600x171 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio

Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema, diagram courtesy in square lab

The Pushkinsky Cinema with its new facade will stand out consciously against the surrounding baroque roof landscape, revitalising its presence once again as the focal point of Central Moscow.

+ Project credits / data

Design Team: in square lab + and black studio
Location: Moscow, Russia
Materials: Glass, Corian

+ About in square lab

in square lab is an architectural practice that specializes in Time Based Architecture.

This is an architecture that interacts intelligently with the environment and its users. This is based on the idea that the environment and the perception of it changes over time, hence allowing for the prospect of an architecture that manipulates the complex processes within the environment (ie media) to create new tangible and intelligent relationships.

The practice and design of Time Based Architecture are technology driven and often involves collaboration with diverse disciplines. Through the utilization of cutting edge technology and diverse knowledge, we begin to manipulate and interpret media in new ways. This manipulation of media in time creates an architecture that can interact intelligently with the environment and its users.

An architecture that can interact intelligently with the environment and its users is different from and provides more value than a static architecture because it can address issues with the environment and users in real time. In other words, the architecture can react to changes in the environment or users, and adapt/ respond accordingly to create an optimal condition.

+ All images and drawings courtesy in square lab
Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Panaromic 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Perspective 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab pushkinsky Interior 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Diagram 00 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Diagram 01 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Diagram 02 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Front Elevation 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio Puskinsky Cinema in square lab Side Elevation 180x180 Recladding proposal for Puskinsky Cinema \ in square lab + and black studio
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