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Thematic group exhibition: [global] Crisis & Design

Posted: 05 Nov 2011 09:02 AM PDT

global Crisis Design Thematic group exhibition: [global] Crisis & Design

[global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0: Living in the Crisis Era, between Anxiety and Desire
Architects and Designers in New York City Team up to Develop Projects Addressing Currents Global Issues

  • Thursday, November 17– Saturday, December 3, 2011
  • Opening reception and book launch: Thursday, November 17, 6 – 8pm

The Institute of Multidisciplinarity for Art, Architecture and Design (IM) and Artgate Gallery are pleased to present an exhibition, [global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0: Living in the Crisis Era, between Anxiety and Desire. The exhibition is on view at Artgate Gallery from November 17, 2011 through December 3, 2011. The exhibition and publication make possible by the funding program for Next Generation Design Leaders supported by Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea and Korea Institute of Design Promotion.

Commissioned and curated by Changhak Choi, architect and founding director of IM, [global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0: Living in the Crisis Era enlists twelve New York-based architects and designers to envision solutions to issues of global crisis and examine its influence on daily routine. "We are living in the crisis era." said Mr. Choi, "Environmental crisis, energy crisis, economical and financial crisis, agricultural crisis, ideological crisis in capitalism, crisis in the third world, housing crisis, …there are too many of them which we are confronting these days; from impacting on individuals' lives to threatening great achievements of human civilization, and leading us to anxiety and frustration to the future in the end. Everyone struggles and makes great efforts to overcome the so-called crisis. However, a question remains: what is substance of the crises? Without being aware of the essence of the crisis, we would be just satisfied with being Absurd hero. We are standing on the line of unstable reality and incoming changes that we are unable to define. Such unconsciousness might lead to a major loss of confidence in human civilization. How can architects and designers respond to those imperatives with a profound insight? How are we able to look squarely at substance of the problems in the world with Deleuzian's Desiring Machines beyond subjectivity?"

The exhibition features works from various fields: urban planning, architecture, landscape design, fashion design, graphic design and interactive-technology design. Each project offers a unique perspective on the issue of today's global concerns, and furthers a debate on the various models of thinking about the definition of global crisis, from human issues to the built environment, and identifying substance to resolve the unknown challenges confronting contemporary architects and designers. All works by contributors are accompanied by dedicated website and SNS to encourage realtime discussion and dialogue on issues presented in the show.

[global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0: Living in the Crisis is an initiative of the Institute of Multidisciplinarity for Art, Architecture and Design (IM) and the first of a series of exhibitions focusing on topics in contemporary design, aimed at raising public interest and dialogue. IM is an independent non?profit organization that promotes advanced interaction in art, architecture, design, technology and other related disciplines in New York City. Founded in 2011, IM is dedicated to the speculative research and presentation of contemporary design practice, socio?cultural issues, as well as to identify emerging talents in arts and the diverse design disciplines. IM activities include organizing exhibitions, publications and international competitions; project research and development; and developing an online project archive.

FEATURED ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS: The Team 12 6a+3f+1l+1g+1i
Jeeyong AN, Sang Hwa LEE, Architect / Taewook CHA, Landscape Architect / Yuyeon CHO, Graphic & Interactive designer / Changhak CHOI, Architect / Hyojin CHOI, Footwear Designer / Gahee HA, Fashion Designer/ Eun Ki KANG, Da Yeon KIM and Jeeun Grace LEE, Architect / Dongil KIM, Seojoo LEE, Architect / Hongmin KIM, Architect / Jeewon KIM, Fashion Designer / Sue Gyeong SYN, Creative Technology Artist & Interactive Media Designer / Hangman ZO, Jiyoung SEO, Architect

The exhibition, publication and accompanying public program make possible by the funding program for Next Generation Design Leaders supported by Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea and Korea Institute of Design Promotion

[global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0: Living in the Crisis Era, between Anxiety and Desire
November 17-December 3, 2011
Artgate Gallery
520 W 27th St #101, New York, NY 10001
Tue-Sat, 10 AM – 6PM
(Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday)

A book, [global] Crisis & Design ver.1.0, Anxiety and Desire, to be published in conjunction with the exhibition, contains a series of essays addressing the global crisis, as well as full statements from the exhibition contributors to further discuss their work. The publication offers yet another way of looking at the crisis that designers face, and documents the ways in which designers deal with the public concerns. The book also reframes the question and definition of global crisis in context of various scale and angles of worldview.

A dedicated website will be launched on November 15, 2011. The website will include video animation featuring a project overview; documenting of process; and filmed interviews with designers.

Please visit www.imaad.org/exhibitions

To Be Announced at www.imaad.org/events


ArtGate Gallery was incorporated in 2007 with aspirations of supporting artists of diverse cultural and aesthetic backgrounds on an international scale. The focus of the gallery is to present high quality exhibitions of both emerging and renowned artists who embrace art with an innovative approach and integrity. ArtGate Gallery regularly exhibits the works of artist who have yet to receive recognition but confront contemporary issues by challenging the general understanding of today's art world.

+ For Additional information please visit www.artgateny.com and http://artgategallery.blogspot.com

Paris la Defense CBD – Jardins de l’Arche \ AWP

Posted: 04 Nov 2011 09:45 PM PDT

AWP has won the competition to deliver a master plan for the development of all urban spaces in the La Défense central business district, Paris.

Our vision at this stage of the process consists in developing, as the major point, spatial continuity with as few separate elements as possible… This spatial continuity is the provison for the harmonious and stimulating integration of numerous small urban objects, for which the project calls.


+ Project description by AWP

AWP, Office for Territorial Reconfiguration (Marc Armengaud, Matthias Armengaud, Alessandra Cianchetta), was named in July the general contractor for the landscaping of the public spaces and follies situated at the foot of the Grande Arche. The site, located near the future Arena 92 in the Jardins de l'Arche neighborhood, serves as a space for genuine interchange between La Défense and Seine-Arche. The urbanists at AWP are equally responsible for a guide plan for Defacto that will enhance the urban space of La Défense's business district.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 5 600x404 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, render courtesy AWP

The project site is of a great spatial complexity. Underground are the A14 route, metro line 1 and the RER A, while, above ground, the exisiting Jardins de l'Arche landscape project and the Jetty occupy the space. It should be able to serve the upcoming urban planning changes to the neighborhood: Terrasses de Nanterre, the Arena 92 stadium, residences and hotels.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 3 600x774 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, render courtesy AWP

Each element of the Jardins de l'Arche project, which covers approximately 30,000 m2 and includes a ramp nearly 600 m long, contributes to an improved urban experience. The continuous and fluid ramp allows for a more fluid space, while the extensive garden encourages a re-thinking of the existing landscape as a "sanctuary" to be protected. The new follies and multipurpose spaces and small scale buildings, meanwhile, increase and "activate" the possible uses of the site. The principal objective is to create an architectural, urban and landscape continuity between the newly developed spaces and the existing urban spaces.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 2 600x424 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, render courtesy AWP

Central to the project are the following goals: recreate an exceptional urban existence on a neglected site between the Terrasses of Seine-Arche and La Défense; create an attractive and lively space on the scale of the Parisian metropolis; achieve an urban culture and communication between La Défense and the surrounding neighborhoods; reinforce the ties between the area and the heart of the city by rendering the space more fluid; reveal and give new value to the buildings' architecture in a harmonious urban landscape.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 4 600x231 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, render courtesy AWP

This is one of the Grand Paris's major public urban spaces; it will create a link between two sections of the Seine by asserting its presence at the mid-point. This idea takes priority over all of the private and local constraints of the space, and perhaps even influence the way those constraints are addressed.

We've approached the site by feeling it out in its nocturnal aspect, searching for a new intensity of landscape to take on the role of a key image for the Grand Paris. We approach this project with the ambition one would have for a "place de l'Opéra": Arena 92 is a new type of concert hall.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 1 600x424 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, render courtesy AWP

This site is nonetheless full of constraints, by its exiguity, by the presence almost onsite of two signed works that constitute French heritage (Gilles Clément, Paul Chemetoff & Marc Mimram) , and by the sheer maximum expected size of crowds. A part of the design then may be "virtual," as something luminous, sensitive, interactive, temporary…

Our vision at this stage of the process consists in developing, as the major point, spatial continuity with as few separate elements as possible (3): a large, contemporary plaza; flux zones that highlight the Jetty and the Jardin de l'Arche ; and a common vocabulary repeated in different situations, such as a stylistic process that will ensure accessibility, or spatial and emporal modularity (kiosks, follies). This spatial continuity is the provison for the harmonious and stimulating integration of numerous small urban objects, for which the project calls.

PARIS LA DEFENSE CBD awp 600x494 Paris la Defense CBD   Jardins de lArche \ AWP

Paris la Defense CBD - Jardins de l'Arche, drawing courtesy AWP

BACKGROUND INFORMATION / The Jardins de l'Arche Neighborhood

As a veritable link between La Défense and Seine-Arche, the Jardins de l'Arche are situated at the point where multiple neighborhoods meet: La Défense to the east, Les Groues and the Faubourg de l'Arche to the north, the park André Malraux to the south and, to the west, the Terrasses that extend Paris's historic axis to the Seine. On a site that covers eight hectares, this new neighborhood's development benefits from the construction of Arena 92, a multipurpose stadium, so as to become a center of urban life that combines the hospitality industry, residences and ground floor spaces intended for leisure activities and urban services.

The Établissement public d'aménagement de La Défense Seine Arche (EPADESA, Public Establishment in Charge of the Development of La Défense Seine Arche) heads the studies and implementation of one of the major urban projects of the Parisian West. The 564 hectare perimeter of the operation d'intérêt national (OIN, national interest operation) includes the cities of Courbevoie, Garenne-Colombes, Nanterre and Puteaux. The presence of the premier European business district, also the object of a plan de renouveau and of the Seine Arche recomposition and development project, accounts for this national interest. The latter project, which is structured around 20 terraces that will extend the historic axis, is already under way. This area is intended to host future transportation infrastructures: Grand Paris Express, LGV train station for the Normandy lines and the continuation of Eole to the west.

+ Project credits / data

Project: Jardins de l'Arche
Location: La Défense, Paris, France
Net floor area: 71 044 m2
Type of project: public realm and follies
Planned: 2011
Architects: AWP
Project responsible: Alessandra Cianchetta, Matthias Armengaud
Team AWP: Marc Armengaud, Matthias Armengaud, Alessandra Cianchetta, Irene Bargués, Juan Garrido, Miguel La Parra Knapman
Engineering / QS: GINGER
Lighting: 8' 18'
Environmental : AEU
Competition: 2011 / preliminary studies ongoing
Delivery : 2014
Images: © AWP, Sbda

+ About AWP

AWP agence de reconfiguration territoriale

AWP is an award winning interdisciplinary office for territorial reconfiguration and design. The practice was established in Paris in 2003 – since then its partners Marc Armengaud, Matthias Armengaud and Alessandra Cianchetta have been working on a wide variety of programmes : architecture, landscape design, strategic planning and urbanism ranging from major large scale public projects to temporary installations both in France and internationally.

The practice was awarded the French Ministry of Culture's Prize for Best Young Architects in 2006, and the French Ministry of Transport, Housing and Ecology's PJU urban planning award 2010.

Relevant projects include the Lantern pavilion in Sandnes, Norway, nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2009, the masterplanning of public spaces and mobility for the 230ha Praille-Acacias-Vernets area, Geneva, the construction of the Evry wastewater treatment plant, France, the sculpture park for the LAM – Museum of Modern, Contemporary and Outsider Art of Lille Metropole, France, the public realm redesign of Capodichino airport and the Ferro-Gomma Hub multimodal park in Naples, Italy (with RSH-P). AWP also curates and designs exhibitions for major cultural institutions and write regularly books and essays.

The three partners have exhibited their work and lectured at many architectural venues in Paris, London, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Beijing, Toronto, Belgrade, Tianjin, Winnipeg, Geneva, Copenhagen, Oslo, Trondheim, Tirana, Lausanne, Montréal, New York and many others places.

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