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Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 06:29 PM PDT

Baignad_eau_torisée (Authorized Swimming), or how to swim in a pool that cross over the Garonne River?

This is the project of a leisure facility which, thanks to its ingenious conception on an industrial barge, becomes a floating pool. It can be used by the city of Bordeaux and the Urban Community (CUB) or even on a larger territory anywhere you can find a welcoming river bank. This pool is made with a steel hull (70x16x4 meters) in which you find a steel structure that bears pools and containers. The deck is made of wood. Those two pools intent to complete the olympic facilities of Bordeaux and the CUB with a big pool of 25 meters long by 11 meters wide and 2,50 meters height, and a small one of 11 meters long by 10 meters wide and 1,40 meters height.

2pm dauphins pM 600x424 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, render courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

2pm dauphins pM 01 600x424 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, drawing courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

2pm dauphins pM 04 600x425 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, drawing courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Eight containers houses the essential amenities for this kind of equipment such as the public reception, the office of lifeguards, changing rooms and lockers, showers and toilets, and even the sick. When the pool passes over the river, the containers are placed on the deck, whereas they fit together to suit a variety of modulations in the public arena when the equipment is operated, installed on a bank.

A filtration system of the river water is add to fill the pools and provides the autonomy for this equipment which aims to respect its environment.

2pm dauphins pM 05 600x424 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, drawing courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

The design of this pool is sober, the containers signage is entertaining and relevant, while its aesthetic reminds the industrial world. Throughout the container and the barge moves, many people have the opportunity to bathe in a clean water with views on the varied landscapes of the Garonne river.

2pm dauphins pM 06 600x424 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, render courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

2pm dauphins pM 07 600x424 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Authorized Swimming, render courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture

Baignad_eau_torisée (Authorized Swimming): a floating swimming pool for all, traveling alongside the river, cruising ships, yachts and other legendary boats .

+ Project credits / data

Client: research
Architect: 2:pm architectures (http://www.2pmarchitectures.com/) & dauphins architecture (http://www.dauphins-architecture.com/)
Program: mobile pool, events platform
Materials: steel structure, wood parment
Work team: CAPC musée d'art contemporain
Place: Bordeaux or on every river
Research: April 2011
Text: Laure Perrot, Art historian

+ All images and drawings courtesy 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture
2pm dauphins pM 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 02 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 06 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 07 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 08 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 09 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 10 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 11 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 12 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 13 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 14 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 01 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 04 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 03 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture 2pm dauphins pM 05 170x170 Authorized Swimming | 2:pm architectures & dauphins architecture
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