Architectural Media | Home Decor Ideas | Design Inspiration

Architectural Media | Home Decor Ideas | Design Inspiration

Complete Makeover to Modernize of Sixties Bungalow Residence

Posted: 03 May 2011 11:32 PM PDT

The existing sixties (60s) bungalow consist of two wings building formed in triangle shaped with living room as center was renovated to create larger space, more modern, and lots of light. Due to the contour of terrain, the two wings is completely excavated so lower ground was created, make new...

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Modern Minimalist Oval-shaped Table Sectioned at a Diagonal

Posted: 03 May 2011 11:13 PM PDT

This modern yet minimalist table has oval shape. The oval form sectioned at a diagonal creates two pieces table so the table can be configured depending on room size and how you want to use it. Inner of table can be used as storage. This unique furniture pieces can be used as a coffee table

this is just summary, visit for more detail. A lot of home and garden info waiting for you there :). Share with your facebook friends if you like it.
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