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Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK)

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 01:01 AM PST

Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK) has designed the Boomerang House located in Sèvres, France.

+ Project description by Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

The Maison de Sèvres sits on a parcel of exceptional character. It is a square garden, 22 meters on each side, invisible from the street, but that one discovers with surprise at the end of a narrow path. The disposition of the house in this context is as an abstract form; the square is divided in two on the diagonal, one side holds the garden, and the other the house that faces almost directly west, looking towards the wooded hillsides of the city of Meudon.

Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 7 595x357 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Boomerang House, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 1 595x880 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Boomerang House, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

This simple figure inscribes the house and the garden in one inseparable relationship. This relationship is further complicated and enriched by the organization of the layout: porch, balcony, and patio are arranged in an interlocking manner and assure an interaction between the two entities.

Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 9 595x379 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Boomerang House, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

The window design also takes part in this search for an exclusive relationship with the exterior environment. Each room defines a particular geometry for the window, conceived here as an intelligent and comforting object which frames the countryside and filters the sunlight.

Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 6 595x386 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Boomerang House, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD floor plan 595x345 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Boomerang House - Floor plans, drawing courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

+ Project credits / data

Project: Boomerang House
Location: Sèvres, France
Calender: 2009
Project area: 249 m2
Budget: 393 000 euros ht
Architects: Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK) / urbanistes
Typology: Residential | House

+ All images and drawings courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes
Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 8 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 7 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 9 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 1 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 2 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 3 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 4 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 5 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD 6 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) Boomerang House TVK plusMOOD floor plan 160x160 Boomerang House \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK)

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 12:46 AM PST

In Arcueil (Paris Suburbs, France), due to its site condition that surrounded by residential blocks, Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK) has maximized the accessibility and visibility, while giving an strong identity to this Groupe Scolaire school project.

Considering the diversity of the surrounding architecture and other elements, we propose a continuous, homogeneous and calm form. From above, its footprint swings and bends to envelope the space and gives an impression of lightness, necessary for a building of this length.

Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 7 595x805 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

+ Project description by Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

The urban campus of the Voltaire schools raises a specific question: How can it offer enough accessibility, visibility, and presence in the city, while being at the center of a block surrounded by residences? From our point of view, the architectural question raised in this situation is one of finding balance between interior and exterior: How can we provide a school that has a strong presence, lively and engaged in the city, while at the same time providing a calm and protected interior?

GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 8 595x410 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

From this idea, a path opens up and crosses from east to west. A fluid, horizontal and light-filled building follows alongside it and fits in calmly at the center of the block. The school is set back from the street, and this "school road" penetrates the block and fans out into three routes. In this way, the school is very easily accessible by way of its public pathway. The school is inserted delicately, melting into the site to find its place, and defines the boundaries of the path on the north and the courtyard on the south. This organization is simple and unified.

GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 6 595x413 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

Considering the diversity of the surrounding architecture and other elements, we propose a continuous, homogeneous and calm form. From above, its footprint swings and bends to envelope the space and gives an impression of lightness, necessary for a building of this length.

GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 5 595x414 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire, image courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

Simultaneously, we searched for the most advantageous position in terms of the sun, and for natural light to penetrate given the compactness of the building, under the Energy 0 Project. The building is therefore situated along the north of the parcel to receive a maximum of solar energy through its roof and façades. The school does not cast any shadows over its own hallways, because the orientation of its premises are preferential to the north and south. The entirety of the parcel surrounding the building is planted, a continuous ribbon that redefines the school campus, encasing it with vegetation.

GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD plan 595x754 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Groupe Scolaire - Site plan, drawing courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes

+ Project credits / data

Project: Groupe Scolaire, Energie 0, Arcueil
Location: Arcueil (Paris Suburbs), France
Calender: 2007-2010
Project area: 4729 m²
Budget: 11 246 260 euros ht / «energie 0»
Contractors: sadev 94
Architects : Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes (TVK) / urbanistes
Collaborators : evp ingénierie, inex bet fluides, mdetc economiste, agence f. boutté bet hqe, vulcanéo bet sécurité
Typology: Education | School

+ All images and drawings courtesy Trévelo & Viger-Kohler architectes
GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 1 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 2 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 3 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 4 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 5 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 6 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 8 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 9 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 101 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD 7 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK) GROUPE SCOLAIRE TVK plusMOOD plan 160x160 Groupe Scolaire \ Trévelo & Viger Kohler architectes (TVK)

Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 10:39 PM PST

spAce arquitectura has completed the new Prodigy MSN Offices in Santa Fe, Mexico City.

+ Project description by spAce arquitectura

Prodigy MSN was looking for new spaces for its corporate offices, not only with the idea of changing spaces, but also to create a new laboral culture that in first place be aware with the environment and moreover, increase collaboration among employees at different levels.

Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 4 595x468 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Prodigy MSN, image courtesy spAce arquitectura & Paul Czitrom

The main concepts of this project are the followings:

1. Open and bright as the future of Prodigy MSN.
The openness and translucency are evident in the whole Project. The layout gets all the advantage it can to the daylight.  Most of the glassed façade is free, but there are a few points in which some meeting rooms and privet offices are next to the façade. Those spaces are closed with glass, that allowed the openness and brightness we were looking for. In addition, the workstations are low and they have translucent boards.

Finally, in the hart of the project was built a long piece of privets offices, conceptualized as a glass box in which it was designed some graphic patterns made of vinyl to made these spaces more privets but clear as well, they translate clearly the personality or Prodigy MSN.

Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 10 595x469 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Prodigy MSN, image courtesy spAce arquitectura & Paul Czitrom

2. Multi-propose spaces.
This project was focused to be versatile. So, if we compare this project with a traditional one, we can find that this one didn't look for a check list of needed spaces, moreover it creates spaces capable of respond to the client necessities. A clear example of this is the reception, which more than a wait-reception space, it is a node where employees, clients and visitors gets in. Into this node, it is located a coffee bar to make this approach warmer. There isn´t any physic board to separate this space to the work-space, and most of the meeting rooms are located into this node.

The offices have a variety of casual meeting rooms spread in strategic points to allow communication among employees, and some of them have other functions, as the collection and storage bar.

Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 3 595x469 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Prodigy MSN, image courtesy spAce arquitectura & Paul Czitrom

3. LEED Commercial Interiors certification.
The main points in this project for LEED certification are the following.

  • The offices are into a building that is looking for LEED Core & Shell certification, and that building is located in an urban area that is provided by basic and accessible services and by public transportation infrastructure.
  • The project saves more than 20% in the water use.
  • The project gets a save of 20% of energy in lighting systems.
  • The project complies with the standards of energy efficiency that LEED recommend.
  • There is a dedicated space to collect and storage recyclable materials.
  • More than 20% of materials used in the project have recycled content.
  • The HVAC system has filters that help to maintain the interior air quality cleaner.
  • Paintings, coatings sealers and glues used in the project have a low content of VOC´s, which avoids interior air pollution.
  • 100% of the workspaces have access to daylight and views.
Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 7 595x470 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Prodigy MSN, image courtesy spAce arquitectura & Paul Czitrom

+ Project credits / data

ProjectProdigy MSN, Santa Fe México
Architecture & Designer: Juan Carlos Baumgartner LEED AP, Fabiola Troyo del Valle  LEED AP
Design Office: spAce arquitectura | http://www.spacemex.com/
Design Team: Marcos Aguilar, Francisco Montoya
Contractor: GA&A
Lighting: LUA
LEED Adviser: Cívita
Comissioning LEED: AKF
Location: Santa Fe, Mexico City
UseOffices | Interior
Area: 800 m2
Completion Period: August 2010
Photographer: Paul Czitrom

+ All images courtesy spAce arquitectura | Photo by Paul Czitrom
Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 1 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 2 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 3 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 4 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 5 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 6 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 7 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 61 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 8 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 9 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura Prodigy MSN  spAce plusMOOD 10 160x160 Prodigy MSN Offices \ spAce arquitectura

Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 09:30 PM PST

Dutch architect Jan Bart Bouwhuis has created the Table of Elements which is no-glue, no-screw, low impact, fast, flat pack, compact, fresh, affordable and easy.

+ Design intent/inspiration by Jan Bart Bouwhuis

While renovating my apartment in Amsterdam Centre, I searched for usable, affordable furniture. After not succeeding in this I decided to give it a try myself. The principle took shape in only one evening, it took another weekend to finish the design.

Having the prototype produced was the real fun part. It took a CNC milling machine less than 25 minutes to cut the 5 parts from a single sheet of mdf. The CNC accuracy is so high, that the table could be assembled in the minute after the machine was finished without needing glue or screw. This makes the table easy to (dis)assemble, transport and store.

The non-symmetrical design makes the table stable in all directions

+ Designer: Jan Bart Bouwhuis | http://www.janbartbouwhuis.nl/
+ Size: Diameter 29,5" (1200mm), height 47,2" (750mm), thickness 1,2" (30mm)
+ Materials: Preferably 1 (waterresistant) material, for instance mdf, so postproduction can be reduced to a minimum. If the material needs to be protected, a layer of super high gloss scratch-resistant lacquer could do the job.

table of elements 595x601 Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Table of Elements, drawing courtesy Jan Bart Bouwhuis

00 table of elements render light 595x446 Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Table of Elements, render courtesy Jan Bart Bouwhuis

11 table of elements the real thing 595x899 Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Table of Elements, image courtesy Jan Bart Bouwhuis

10 table of elements detail Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Table of Elements, image courtesy Jan Bart Bouwhuis

09 table of elements detail Table of Elements \ Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Table of Elements, image courtesy Jan Bart Bouwhuis

+ About Jan Bart Bouwhuis

Very satisfying to see that simplifications in a design usually result in an improvement of usability, appearance and make-ability. Regardless of scale and type this applies to every sort of design. Whether it be a highrise housing tower, an urban plan, a bathroom sink or dining table, the approach works time and time again.

- Master Degree at the Academy of Architecture of Amsterdam in 2007
- Employed at a mid-sized Amsterdam based office since 2000

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