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‘O’ Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 07:51 AM PDT

'O' Proposal is the competition entry for Sukkah City designed by UGO architecture.

+ Design: Hugon Kowalski | UGO architecture and design

+ Project description courtesy UGO architecture

'O' is a project of UGO architecture & design proposed for the Sukkah city competition. The participants of the competition were asked to design a contemporary sukkah – a temporary hut created for an annual Jewish harvest festival in New York.

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'O' Proposal, image courtesy UGO architecture

Sukkah is one of the oldest building types to have a design and construction carefully regulated by Talmud. These temporary buildings are to symbolize memory about Jews' 40 years exile in the desert after they were banished from Egypt.

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'O' Proposal, drawing courtesy UGO architecture

We wanted to create a form as flexible as possible to make sure that sukkah can be placed in many also unconventional places. We also wanted to make our sukkah as mobile as we can that's why we decided on form of sphere. Moves inside the sukkah (walking and pushing of one of the walls) allow changing position of the sukkah.

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'O' Proposal - Concept, image courtesy UGO architecture

'O' was built from zip-ties produced from biodegradable plastic created from corn. Thanks to this particular building material, the created form allows merging inside and outside world (no borders) without sacrificing intimacy.

Inside the sukkah you can find folding table and many puff-chairs in which can be hold a sleeping bag.

+ About UGO architecture

Hugon Kowalski is a fifth year student of Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, faculty Architecture and Urban Planning. He is one of the founders of the design group h3ar whose projects were awarded in many national and international competitions. After the group split in 2010, Hugon founded another company UGO architecture and design.

+ All images courtesy UGO architecture
O UGO plusMOOD 01 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 02 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 03 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 04 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 05 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 13 160x123 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 14 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 06 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 07 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 08 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 09 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 11 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 12 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture O UGO plusMOOD 10 160x160 'O' Proposal for The Sukkah City Competition | UGO architecture

YNNO Workplace | sprikk

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 06:40 AM PDT

Sprikk designed a new working environment for consulting agency YNNO. YNNO advises on innovative methods of working and the environments that support these. Their expertise follows the conceptions of the "new ways of working". As their best reference sprikk planned the office that embodies these notions.

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YNNO Workplace, image courtesy sprikk

Since their consultants spend more time at their client's than in the office, YNNO asked for a workplace that functions as a home base rather than a conventional office. A working environment was created that suits the nature of the consultant’s way of working in which communication and networking play a vital role.

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YNNO Workplace - LAYOUT PLAN, drawing courtesy sprikk

The floorplan is kept entirely open with the exception of two acoustically separated glass volumes. This stimulates free movement, spontaneous encounters and flexible uses while allowing for lots of natural light.

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YNNO Workplace, image courtesy sprikk

In this open plan organically shaped birchwood structures were placed that form partitions, niches, storage spaces and bookshelves. By applying one material and a single construction method a coherent appearance of the space is created, that still offers a diversity of working places with gradations in open and closed character. The natural, haptic qualities of these birchwood structures form a contrast to the high-end communication- and presentation technologies that were applied throughout the space.

The wood structures contain a number of ergonomic workplaces that embrace daylight and offer a view to the outside. Settings for the concentrated individual as well as active collaboration can be found.

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YNNO Workplace, image courtesy sprikk

A vis-à-vis setting for casual discussions is placed on a platform integrated into the wooden structures. Groups of up to eight people can work on projects and presentations in an acoustically well-balanced room.

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YNNO Workplace, image courtesy sprikk

It is fitted with writable surfaces and high-end presentation equipment. Private meetings or presentations for clients are held in an acoustically separated room that offers a casual atmosphere and plenty of daylight.

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YNNO Workplace, image courtesy sprikk

A free-formed wooden island, close to the printer and the archive, can be used for secretarial and administrative work but can also function as an open office desk space for the consultants. The most notable open working environment is the 'guild' table. This giant surface provides an active and communicative setting by its organic layout. For special occasions and company-wide presentations it can accommodate the entire staff.

Sprikk created a workplace that suits the client's wish for a unique and exciting work environment that contributes to YNNO's identity as a young and innovative company.

+ Project credits / data

Project: YNNO Workplace
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Design: sprikk
Team: Johan van Sprundel, Max Rink & Klaas Kresse
Client: YNNO B.V.
Contractor: Steenland Interieurbouw B.V.
Photography: Edward Clydesdale Thomson

+ All images, drwaings and description courtesy sprikk | Photo by Edward Clydesdale Thomson
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