Prefab House With Modern Butterfly Roof Designed By TYIN Tegnestue

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:49 AM PDT

Prefab House With Modern Butterfly Roof Designed By TYIN Tegnestue

This house is Thailand wood prefab house with modern butterfly roof. This house is designed by TYIN Tegnestue. a non-profit group of student architects – designed these unusual wood prefab houses, Soe Ker Tie Hias, which translates to "Butterfly Houses," in Noh Bo, Tak, Thailand. These eco-friendly prefab homes are named for their innovative flip-up [...]

Australian Innovation and Architecture Designed By Max Pritchard

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:37 AM PDT

Australian Innovation and Architecture Designed By Max Pritchard

This house is bridge house and designed by Australian architects Max Pritchard. The house is made with innovation and architecture. his cool, modern design is both, stretching across a river valley just outside of Adelaide, Australia. The clients had some tall orders for what was bound to be an unusual house plan, to say the [...]

India Courtyard House Designed By Indian Architecture Firm Cadence

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:19 AM PDT

India Courtyard House Designed By Indian Architecture Firm Cadence

This house is built with beautiful exterior walls and courtyard. It is designed by Indian architecture firm Cadence says so much, without screaming. Dubbed Out of the Box, a simple cube style and a white facade could be described as unassuming, if not for the unusual perforations which adorn the house, and the contemporary staircase [...]

Japanese Pyramid House Designed By Suppose Design Office

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 07:52 AM PDT

Japanese Pyramid House Designed By Suppose Design Office

This Japanese architecture is designed by Suppose Design Office, this house is located in Saijo, Hiroshima, is weird, wacky and wonderful, through and through. This cool house stands apart from its neighbors for its tall shape and a sleek, black facade. The whole structure stands on glass-enclosed main floor, giving it the appearance of a [...]

Innovative Folded Wood House Designed By Marcio Kogan

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 07:29 AM PDT

Innovative Folded Wood House Designed By Marcio Kogan

This concrete house is Brazilian architecture with folded house. It is designed by Marcio Kogan. This cool wood, concrete and glass house design in Sao Paulo. This inovative house has so many layers of architecture and interest, starting with its unusual shell. When closed, this organic wooden exterior creates a private, natural enclosure with a [...]

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