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CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 09:33 AM PDT

CAU Central Library: Overlap is a refurbishment project designed by Kim in-cheurl+archium. It was restructured on the existing library which was built in 1959.

Architecture is an identification of place, a creation of individualism that makes it unique to anything else in the world. The place thus creates a memory with time.
The meaning of place is the result of an accumulation of memories.

Kim in-cheurl+archium

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, image © Park Young Chea

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, rendering courtesy Kim In Cheurl

+ Project description courtesy of Kim In Cheurl

CAU Central Library: Overlap

Architecture is an identification of place, a creation of individualism that makes it unique to anything else in the world. The place thus creates a memory with time.
The meaning of place is the result of an accumulation of memories.

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CAU Central Library: Overlap - Old library, image courtesy Kim In Cheurl

The Vestige

The existing library was designed in 1955 and completed in 1959 (50 years ago) by Cha Kyung-soon (1916 – 1974) a senior architect. He had already been related to Chung-ang University with the design of the pharmacy colleges (Phyper Hall) in 1953.

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, sketch courtesy Kim In Cheurl

The horizontal mass from B1 to 3rd floor and the 7th story tower carry monumentality and architectural symbolism. The shape which is divided by the structure and envelope emphasize the grid and compose the windows in a simplistic manner. It shows the formality which is faithful to the modernism of the past by making a central courtyard over a rectangular plan into the centre of the space. Interesting elements are materials and details which create the executed design. There were materials which are not being used and produced anymore and construction methods which are old in their fashion. Removing the existing ceiling to expose the concrete allowed the building to portray its time in texture when plywood was of short resource. I supposed they would blend in with the new ones if I have them function again instead of discarding them. An emblem of CAU (Chung Ang University) standing prominently as the library building was supposed to be torn down at first, but it should be regarded as a memory since it is a representation of the history.

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, image © Park Young Chea

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, image © Park Young Chea


Reading rooms extended to the rooftop make the space which is opened on roofs of curved surface. A crevice from intersecting curved surfaces act as a skylight and enables natural light into the deepest spaces. It needs artificial lighting to get sufficient illumination at certain times of the day, but I tried to make the most of artificial light during daytime. On the facade I adjusted the density of white stripes printed on the glass so that an external glass wall intersected vertically and perpendicularly with the curved roof can absorb sunlight selectively according to the condition of all directions. Those stripes arranged by various widths secure the outside view, however they screen the inside if seeing outside like a blind. With an opinion of a foundation reserving the lacking space filling a vacant courtyard, it is divided in half diagonally and filled with bamboo so that it creates light wells and ventilates well.

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, image © Park Young Chea

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CAU Central Library: Overlap, image © Park Young Chea

The Place

I had to replace the trace of time and the momentum of remembrance with architectural work. An expansion of space and improvement of environmental overlap with memories of its past remain. I left the existing elements at the bottom and put the light space above so that one can easily be seen. Lower-level floors and a canopy above the entrance retain its original form, thereby it's expected that a current picture is in collusion with time in the same context. The existing clock tower is used as a resting space in the library. A roof garden on the 5th floor and the tower on the 6th and 7th floors become an observatory viewing the Namsan Mountain beyond the Han river. The glass of the tower doesn't have vertical prints like the bottom, to enable a spectacular view. Inner space is finished with gray tone so that it is simply the background for the books and students who read them. I expected this library to be a light box carrying sunlight by day and radiating it out by night.

There could be a cultural change which used to be occupied with high heels and short skirts into sneakers and plain clothes. Its space can be filled with the atmosphere of archives in a monastery instead of splendour of a department store. It's because the place has dominance from the suitable culture matched with it, that the place can be realized after it is created and refined and no longer be a vacant ground.

+ Project credits / data

Project: CAU Central Library: Overlap
Location: 221 Heuk seok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea
Site area: 174,891 m2
Floor area: 3,429.43 m2
Total floor area: 14,258.20 m2
Building to land ratio: 2.38 m2
Floor area ration: 9.42%
Building scope: B1, 7F

Architect: Kim in-cheurl+archium
Designer: Jo joonyoung
Supervisor: Jo joonyoung, Chung Sangjoon
Design period: 09.2008~12.2008
Construction period: 12.2008~09.2009
Photography: © Park Young Chea

Outside finishing: THK24Low-E pair glass(printed)+THK0.8 VM ZINC
Inside finishing: THK3 ST panel & rubber tile
Structural engineer: SEN Structural engineers Co.,LTD
Mechanical engineer: ENG Energy Design Lab & Geuk dong electronic design lab
Sign design & engineer: Park sun-mi & Dasantech-group A
Construction work: DOOSAN Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd+ Hanmok interior design

+ All images and drawings courtesy of Kim In Cheurl | Photo by Park Young Chea
printed glass 1 Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl SITE PLAN 1F PLAN (NEW) 1F PLAN (OLD) 2F PLAN (NEW) 2F PLAN (OLD) 3F PLAN (NEW) 3F PLAN (OLD) 4F PLAN (NEW) 4F PLAN (OLD) 5F PLAN (NEW) 6-7F PLAN (NEW) B1F (NEW) B1F (OLD) NORTH ELE (NEW) NORTH ELE (OLD) WEST ELE (NEW) WEST ELE (OLD) SECTION A (NEW) SECTION A (OLD) SECTION B (NEW) SECTION B (OLD) EXISTING LIBRARY SKETCH 01 day Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 08 backside Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 09 backside Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 10 eastside Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 11 westside Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 13 outsidewest Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 14 outsideeast Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl perspective Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 12 outsidewest Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 07 entrance Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 06 front Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 05 front Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 04 front Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 03 front Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 02 night Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 15 roofgarden Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 16 roof Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 18 main hall Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 19 main stair Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 20 main stair Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 23 main stair Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 24 main stair Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 25 main stair Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 27 courtyard Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 26 courtyard Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 29 courtyard Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 31 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 32 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 33 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 35 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 37 interior 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 38 interior 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 44 interior 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 41 interior 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 45 interior 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 46 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 47 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl 48 interior Overlap Kim In Cheurl plusMOOD 160x160 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl

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 CAU Central Library: Overlap | Kim In Cheurl

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